Just heard about the Brisbane lockdown. It reminded me that we have to seize the moment in these chaotic times. Life has always been what we make of it, now more than ever. Sending hopes to our Brissie family and friends for a safe weekend.
Synchronistically, Kris and I had our first date night in months at Dracula’s Cabaret on the Gold Coast yesterday. Incredibly fun show (Australia’s longest running dinner cabaret). Only hiccup was with our gluten-free meals (they were super busy that night). There were lots of jokes and skits about sex, death, lockdowns and QLD being Covid-free. Oh, the irony.
Vampire has a 39/12/3 numerology, the same as Freedom. Many ppl see eternal life as the goal but I think freedom from artifical fear would be a better aspiration. As travelling Souls, our immortality and a constant Spiritual support team are a given. People who teach otherwise are spreading illusion.
Did you know? 3 energy affects the solar plexus chakra / ego / inner child / hope and confidence. When you go into the victim-hero narrative, you form an invisible umbilical cord to those you think can save you. Not healthy. Energy vampirism and haemorrhage is a real thing.
Please, stay the narrator of your reality. See both sides. Choose the middle path. Do your research. Check in with your gut. Stay flexible yet outspoken.
Balance your intake of real-time news with a whole hearted focus on your own goals and connection with family, colleagues and community. It’s ok to be happy in the moment, that’s a type of immunity in itself. Fill yourself up for the big year to come.
Kris, I love you my Zombie artist Soulmate (Kris used to do Zombie and Pirate makeup for his acting roles. You’re a man of many talents.)
#draculascabaret#draculas#vampire#energyvampire#lockdown#brisbane#staysafe #39123 #solarplexuschakra#numerology#thenumbersqueen#sarahyip
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