Happy 11/11/21! Does seeing 11:11 mean you’re crazy?
Learn the absolute, extraordinary truth from Jessica Regan (who started the largest 11:11 Facebook group in the world) and Sarah Yip (a psychic and scientist, who’s read for thousands of people who see 11:11 since 11/11/11).
Jessica and Sarah are both numerologists from Australia, who have counselled countless people globally about repeating numbers. Their children also have psychic powers.
Jessica is a 27/9 life path Old Soul in numerology, who began noticing 11:11 around her adult turning point age of 27.
Sarah is a 29/11/2 life path Spiritual Messenger who began studying numerology books (including The Life You Were Born to Live) at her adult turning point age of 29. Find your life path.
The YouTube video is below, you can also comment on the Facebook video.
Connect with Jessica by joining:
The 11:11 Movement on Facebook
Please note, there are groups with similar names out there but this is the original one founded by Jessica in 2015
About the group: “11:11 is known and agreed to be an awakening code for those who are being called to move towards their highest potential and begin living a more conscious and heart centred existence and life.
Awakening is a general term used when we begin to be more mindful of our inner and outer worlds and become more curious about how everything is connected to help us evolve on our own spiritual journeys.
This group aims to provide a place of connection as well as facilitate the sharing of content from trusted sources from those who have been walking this path for some time.
For those of you who have just begun noticing the 11:11 time prompt it may be a confusing experience at first.
Many of us become aware of other synchronicities showing up such as repeating number patterns and other signs in nature and the world around us after the initial 11:11 awakening code.
Having experienced this for many years, our understanding thus far is that the 11:11 time prompt is just the beginning of our own divine story unfolding.
We are all the heroes of our own journeys with our own epic plot twists. However it unfolds for you, each moment is divinely orchestrated and perfect. This group is a global community with members from all walks of life who have gathered here to connect to others in a supportive environment whilst we navigate our own path to enlightenment.
Welcome to the Global Ascension.”
Connect with Sarah by checking out her:
11:11 page with many blogs and tips. Good articles to start with are The 4 Stages of 11:11 Awakening (A Preview)
11:11 Patreon group (where she teaches every 2-3 weeks)
Numerology and psychic development classes. If you see 11;11 and repeating numbers, I’d recommend starting your journey with the Develop Your Intuition and Banish Self-Doubt webinar (half-price until 29 Nov).
If you’re thinking of starting a business or changing career, definitely check out Change for Good – A Spiritual Money webinar for 11:11 See’rs
11:11 Peace Signs always xx
Connect with us
Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years. For a one-off session, please see Kris Anderson, my psychic husband. We also read together for a 360 degree perspective you’ll love.
Prefer to self-study? Check out my events, recorded classes and meditations.
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