Breastfeeding And Bottlefeeding Are Both OK – Numerology Proves It

Sarah Yip breastfeeding

Happy World Breastfeeding Week! Did you know? BREASTFEEDING = 61/7 in numerology, the same as BOTTLEFEEDING. So they BOTH heal our 6th chakra (Third eye/ opening minds and ESP), 1st chakra (Root/ safety) and 7th chakra (Crown/ trust in Spirit). ⁣

The Universe doesn’t mind what you do, as much as why you do it. Love is love, whatever the delivery method. MILK even adds to 18/9, the same as LOVE.⁣

That said, breastfeeding releases hormones for patience, helps with weight loss and reproductive health and gives you a closeness to your baby that lasts forever.⁣

Confidence comes from experience, education and support. Could I have breastfed without a great midwife, lactation specialist (Dr Pam Douglas), tongue-tie snip, supportive partner, in laws and flexible lifestyle? No way. ⁣

I can see why women surrounded by sceptics have trouble with lactation. It’s hard to let down when you’re stressed. If someone kept asking when I was returning to work*, expected me to pamper them or mocked my body, I’d have no energy left for bub. ⁣

So if you do bottle feed, that’s okay. Your baby will understand. They chose you, and they believe in your leadership.⁣

*Motherhood is work! How much would your boss pay you to be on call for 18 years? What we do is labour, for sure. That’s why on leave, I said that I’d switched roles, not given up work.⁣

Breastfeeding doesn’t have to be a chore. Babies pull Universal love through our bodies when they feed. It’s the most amazing healing if you intend it to be. If you breastfeed lying down you also get more naps. One of the reasons my son’s name is Forrest is I had him ‘for (a) rest’.⁣

If nursing is still ‘a pain in the neck’, get someone to check your positioning and consider massage, acupuncture, chiro, yoga and other modalities which help you to sustainably parent. This post on the spiritual causes of a stiff neck may help.

To most parents, a child is our heart wearing sleeves. Don’t stress about being perfect, just take it beat by beat and all will be well!

Related links: Can You Have Psychic Boobs – 7 Tips for Spiritual Breastfeeding and 10 Ways Making Breastmilk is Like Making Money and Conscious Parenting Resources

#worldbreastfeedingweek #2019 #breastfeeding #bottlefeeding #fedisbest #lactation #consciousparenting #numerology #thenumbersqueen #sarahyip #brisbane #goldcoast #psychic

Sarah Yip breastfeeding

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