Master 22/4 Vibration Words & Phrases – Angels, Buddha, Trees, Humans, Master, Guru, Pain, Gain, Hard, Work, Food, Water, Rage, Fears, Cuddle, Pear, Whale (Also, Sing!)
Places: Italy (Leonardo da Vinci was a 22/4, who finished his first masterpiece around 22) Also – Wuhan (!) See my post on the spiritual meaning of the Coronavirus
Protected by Archangel Haniel (4 vibration) Find Your Guardian Angel Using Numerology
In numerology, every word, name and address can be reduced to a frequency / number, allowing us to see connections. 22 is the lifelong partnerships number (no coincidence that 11:11 i.e. 11+11 is the Twin Flame code). To me it looks like two swans, people kneeling in prayer or a heart (if you reverse one 2). Find your lifepath and see my word analysis system
I’ve worked with hundreds of 22 lifepaths and ppl with 22 names/ partners/ kids. I call them potential Master Builders and Heart Healers.
They are here to open their 2+2 = 4th Chakra (Heart, lungs, chest, arms i.e. Angel wings and compassion) to become peaceful negotiators, whether that’s at home (inner work) or globally (outer work).
I don’t see Adult 22/4s as often as 33/6s or 11/2s, as they are often immersed in work, but I have seen many new children coming in with this lifepath. They are feelers, here to bring us closer and raise our creativity/ musicality.
Seeing repeating 22, 222, 2222 can be a sign you carry 22 numerology in your chart, have a 22 loved one or are about to meet a 22. It’s also a call to nurture your close relationships, especially with women or sensitive ppl. Once, I was phoning my Mum and saw a row of bins saying 22222222. So I was especially nice! See You Can’t Not Belong – Four Ways to Forgive Your Family (Especially Your Parents)
2020 is a Universal 4 Year for Earth. Many lifepath 4s and 22s have been feeling the need to make major changes and have been coming in for readings. Find your lifepath or book in for September at
FYI, there are three ways of calculating a 22/4 lifepath, I use the add across method. I also allow for 22/4-31/4 ‘hybrids’. Kat Kinnie (a fellow numerologist I recommend in New Zealand) and Dee, lots of love ‘2’ you 🙂
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Related Links: Master 22 Lifepath Numerology – The Pros and Cons of Being a Master Builder and Lifepath 4 Numerology – The Pros and Cons of Being a Heart Healer
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Seeing repeating numbers or at a life turning point? Book a psychic reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years. If you’d prefer a shorter reading or Tarot, please see Kris Anderson, my amazing husband. We also offer joint readings for a unique 360 degree perspective on your life’s journey and way forward.
You can also check out my events, including palmistry and numerology workshops. Not in Brisbane or the Gold Coast? I have webinars too.
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