11:11 Myths Versus Facts – The Truth Behind the Oneness Code

SarahYip_1111MythsWant to know what 11:11 really means? It’s so much more than an Angel Number. As a professional psychic, numerologist and scientist, I’ve read for thousands of people, many of whom see codes like 11:11, 111, 222 and so on.

Being the slightly obsessive person that I am, I’ve kept notes of their experiences, as well as diaries and photographs of my own sightings, which began after 11.11.11 (yes, really!)

July 2017 UPDATE – See my latest video and blog, Why Do I See 11:11 When I’m Not a Master 11/22/33 Lifepath? Intuition Versus Superstition, Explained!

Here’s a summary of 11:11 myths versus facts:

Myth: 11:11 is simply an Angel Code meaning stay positive.
Fact: 11:11 is a DNA-level reminder that you are an immortal Soul. It often appears to those with Master 11, 22 or 33 numerology. Find your lifepath(this page has Master number info.)
Note: I am a Master 11 lifepath like Doreen Virtue (who is the Angel Numbers guru). Although I love her card decks and books, I feel that her explanation of 11:11 is incomplete, hence my 11:11 on clocks page.

Myth: When you see 11:11 you should make a wish.
Fact: When you see 11:11, don’t just make a wish, take action!Change takes effort. For every step you take, the Universe will take two to meet you.
Note: I get annoyed when I see experts promising instant enlightenment/ weight loss/ riches, e.g. on facebook. Although I frequently experience synchronicity it’s a daily feat to stay in the flow. There are no shortcuts to inner peace, although breathing helps! It may take decades to get on your life purpose, and that’s ok. The way you feel on the trip is how you’ll feel at the destination. Stay present.

Myth: No one really knows what 11:11 means.
Fact: 11:11 is a wake up call that people see before a 5 to 9 year cycle of rapid change. It’s a sign of Divine Order. You see it when you’ve met your Soul Tribe, need healing or are being contacted by Spirit.
Note: 11:11 often appears as you start or finish a 9 Year personal cycle in numerology – find your personal year. It’s also linked to past life healing – read more in this article. I have read for countless people who see 11:11 then feel inspired to change from a ‘conventional’ to ‘alternative’ lifestyle and career*. This makes sense as 11:11 represents new beginnings. *I did exactly that between 2011-2012, when I left my fundraising career to be a palmreader.

Myth: Seeing 11:11 is just a coincidence.
Fact: Not true. I walked into a bank while writing a book on 11:11, only to find a man yelling 11:11 at the top of his lungs! There are no coincidences. Keep a diary of your sightings and you’ll soon see a pattern. Happy blossoming, my Starseed friends.
Note: I encourage you to talk about 11:11 to your friends and online. It’s amazing who will come out of the woodwork as a fellow See’r. Last year I had almost one hundred people in a room at the Brisbane Mind Body Spirit Festival for an 11:11 talk. It was phenomenal – like a big family reunion.

Read more on 11:11 (articles, podcasts etc)

Thanks to everyone who’s shared their stories with me, I couldn’t have written this blog without you.

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Or, for greater clarity, book a reading with me to discover your soul contract and 2018 forecast. it’s worth the suspense – see feedback. For a reading within 7-14 days, book a Tarot reading in Brisbane with my husband Kris on 0428 626 727. Read more about Kris. I also recommend Vicki Haspels and Caroline Byrd, my spiritual mentors and gifted mediums.

With best wishes,
Sarah Yip
(a 29/11 lifepath & Master Numbers Teacher)
Professional Psychic
Brisbane Australia
Specialising in Palmistry, Numerology & Clairvoyance
I’m an 11:11 Clocks and Repeating Numbers Researcher
SMS 0408 898 028
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