Your September 2022 Numerology Forecast and Video

September 2022 Numerology. Comment 666Brave on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube if you like this post! We are in a 6 Universal year of third eye healing and a 15/6 month. A time for community service, religious healing and returning to our true natures.

‘Thinking you are only one body is like eating sushi and saying you’ve been to Japan (a 15/6 place). You exist in MANY dimensions.’ September brings a doubling of your personal year lesson so it’s always a dramatic change month.

Tarot: 6 is the Lovers while 15 is the Devil. This month asks us to shed cages of false comfort and choose wild new paths.

Word magic: She-Devil becomes She-liveD when rearranged. How often do you let judgey people stop you? That reveals your true level of sovereignty.

With Mercury retrograde, it’s time to release draining choices that leave you spiritually anaemic. See Empaths Versus Psychopaths And How To Just Be The Path!

Chakras: The 6th chakra is our foresight, sixth sense, clairvoyance, dreams, conscience and mental health. ‘Ajna’ means authority and this chakra includes our pineal gland. See The Secret To Skyrocketing Intuition – Water And Your Third Eye Chakra

Who’s in the spotlight? Those with 15/6, 33/6 and 6 numerology plus anyone who sees 666, 911 or 999 will be busy in September. 2022 is a huge year for 33s and 6s. Find your life path

At their best, 6 life paths are visionaries who open eyes and minds. In stress mode, 6s are ultra-worrywarts obsessed with right vs wrong. 6 looks like a pregnancy or a belly. It’s about stretching limits while enjoying the journey.

Entrepreneur adds to 69/15/6. Many say running a business is one of the best personal growth courses you can do. I’d agree! See 8 Benefits Of Running Your Own Business (And Life)!

BTW, My 11:11 World Changers program is open. I’m seeking 8 business owners who want to take their spiritual ideas global! It’s 6 to 12 month min. coaching, email info (at) for details. We start on Thursday 13 October 2022.

Dates: 9th/ 10th Mercury Retrograde, 10th Full Moon (bring projects to a head), 11th Patriot Day, 22nd/ 23rd Equinox, 25th/ 26th New Moon (rest, make wishlists, start projects).

Loved this? Book a 2023 reading (waitlist opens soon), buy a class replay or join my 11:11 study group on Patreon from 12USD or AUD16.50 a month. We have 33 replays uploaded on spiritual topics, money manifestation, past lives and more.

Today’s class was a 2 hour call on Body Healing and Spiritual Eating (special guest Melanie Spears from The Gratitude Diary) with a meditation for calling in your healthiest Self! Next calls are 12 Sept (the meaning of dis-ease) then 15 Oct (palmistry).

Photo: Statue of Liberty – because when you live your path, you shine a light for all xx

P.S. FYI the Queen’s chart shows a massive heart healing turning point in September 2022. Quote from my forecast for Yahoo “I see the Queen handing over extra responsibilities to William and Kate between May and September 2022. She’s a practical person who knows that they are coming into their full potential from now….” R.I.P.

#Psychic #Forecast #Astrology #Tarot #6lifepath #33lifepath #666 #Wordmagic #Shelived #Numerology #Thenumbersqueen #Sarahyip #Thepsychicmum

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