Meet Pastor Jon Owen From The Wayside Chapel (34/7 Life Path Spiritual Teacher)

777 healing interview with Pastor Jon Owen! Comment on the Facebook, Instagram or YouTube posts if you enjoy this chat. A video is below. Jon is a 34/7 life path Spiritual Teacher whose raw and witty writings lift my Soul each week. I highly recommend subscribing to his emails! They will open your heart to the miracles of community and kindness. Find your life path

In this revealing chat, we discuss Jon’s shocking reason for becoming a good writer and the amazing work of The Wayside Chapel, a refuge for those who are homeless, have addictions or mental health issues. A place with no ‘us vs them’. I’m reading Love Over Hate by former Pastor Graham Long and it’s an absolute tearjerker/ eye-opener.

Baby Ziggy and I spent time at the chapel on Monday and not only was the building full of Spirits, I felt many of the people there were Old Souls or Master Numbers.

The veil between being psychic and unwell is so thin. In other times and cultures I am sure that many of the visitors at Wayside would be medicine people or shamans…

Some of you may know, 9 years ago I was on the brink of being homeless while battling an eating disorder and following my spiritual path as a psychic. So I know a little of the judgement and existential fear these issues can bring. Asking for food and rent to survive is gruelling.

As a regular giver to Wayside I know I’m making a difference to a cause that generates love and certainty for those affected by devastating life events.

11:11 is about believing in oneness. Check out The Wayside Chapel in Sydney
and their Long Walk Home on 7 October.
I’ll post more on this event soon.

Thank you Jon and team for bringing light to the places others see none.

P.s. They are at a 29/11 address and The Wayside Chapel adds to 74/11! Same as ‘personal growth’ and ‘synchronicity’ 🙂

#Thewaysidechapel #Waysidechapel #Homelessness #Addiction #Mentallhealth #Mentalillness #Charity #7lifepath #Numerology #Thenumbersqueen #Sarahyip #Thepsychicmum

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