A reminder to be kinder! Strong energies atm for arguments and reality checks. Also huge opportunities for learning new skills, building trust in your Higher Self and sharing your hacks (tips) with others.
Comment on the Facebook post (it got a big response)
I had a big chat with a new doctor today about Ziggy. After talking for a few mins, he mentioned ‘managing’ my pregnancy and inducing at 39 weeks due to my age (40) and low PAPP-A results.
He didn’t seem to know I’ve had 2 natural births and am in a birth centre. As a mama who does prenatal yoga, counselling and psychic work I set a boundary. I said that my kids come naturally at 39-40 weeks and weigh 3.3kg. Plus Ziggy’s scans are normal. Still, the call left me frustrated.
So I did PT with @leahwilliams_pt to let off steam, then went to hospital to see the lovely midwives. We’re all good now. I’m not worried about what comes next.
Yup….It’s a 5 Universal year of 5th (Throat) chakra healing and radical truth. We’re being tested on our limits. See Your 2021 Forecast webinar
Unless you speak up daily without fail, you will fall silent in the moments that matter. Honesty is a muscle you have to exercise or it goes limp. So make some noise folks!
Years ago I would not have questioned a doctor, even a trainee like the one who called. But I know now that parenting starts before conception…your baby hears and sees everything you do, long before they land in your arms.
The way you were conceived, carried and birthed affects your confidence, especially whether you ‘put yourself out there’ or ‘have to be encouraged into the spotlight’.
Energy healing, hypnosis, kinesiology, regression, breathwork and meditation are great ways to clear things if you find you’re still holding yourself back. See my colleagues for help
Tip: Ask your mum about your birth story if you can. Even if she’s in Spirit.
P.S. This shirt is from Quaden Bayles’ mob (shop currently closed). Everytime I wear it good things happen. Today I saw 555, texted Quaden’s mum Yarraka, and she’s like ‘omg I just saw it too’.
Those who see 11:11 etc. can telepath each other. Try it!
Thanks Yogababy for inspiring this post. I love your yoga and active birth classes!
Related Links
Baby Due Dates and Caesareans in Numerology – You Are Not An Accident!
8 Signs of a Good Doctor – They Always Have Patience!
Meet Yarraka Bayles, Mother of Quaden Bayles – A Family of 1 Lifepath Pioneers in Numerology!
Quaden Bayles, a Pure 10/1 Lifepath Pioneer and Child Activist, in the Spotlight
Conscious Parenting, Pregnancy and Fertility Resources
#1111#555 #angelnumbers#consciousparenting#numerology#thenumbersqueen#sarahyip#psychic