Stephanie Sinclaire Lightsmith is the founder of Creative Alchemy: The Science of Miracles.
21 April 2021 update – Our beautiful Stephanie has died in an accidental drowning and we are all in enormous shock. Our deepest condolences to her family at this time. May her work live on forever. Sign the tribute book
Stephanie is a 31/4 life path (Heart Healer and Empire Builder), who has had parallel careers in the creative and healing arts. She was Creative Director of the highly noted Kings Head Theatre, London, for many decades, for which she was awarded Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s Golden Jubilee Award in 2002 for ‘contribution to the arts and pursuit of excellence in the field of direction.’ Find Your Life Path
Her system is ultimately designed to assist in shifting humanity from Homo sapiens to Homo illuminatus, fully illumined multi dimensional beings who understand the eternal science of consciousness, energy and true power and can consciously create lives of meaning, purpose and destiny while joyously co-creating a paradise on our beloved Earth.
But if you just want to be happy, successful and abundant, Creative Alchemy: The Science of Miracles will provide this for you.
Watch us on YouTube (see above) and Facebook; The Numbers Queen
In this interview, Stephanie and I discuss these topics and more:
-The commercialisation of spirituality.
“In my generation, which was very much the radical awakening of the 70s, it was about ascending. Now I really feel it is more like descending the spirit into the body fully – the I Am Presence – moving that completely in the body, so we become like God beings, we become able to create from our imagination, and make real that which we endow with our thought and feeling.”
-Stephanie’s incredible experience of ‘sending away’ a child Spirit only to have the baby incarnate in an acquaintance’s body.
“She said, ‘I bought this book, how to communicate with your unborn child. And the child says you are also her mother, and your daughter is also her sister.’ I was not meant to be at the birth, she made this huge circle of friends, she was very outgoing. None of them were able to come, so she called me at midnight and said, ‘Can you pick me up, we have got to go to the hospital’, and I birthed the child. It is incredible.”
-The importance of honouring your technology and appliances and how talking to them can revive them.
“I had a refrigerator that was squealing, they came out and looked at it and said, We cannot mend it, we just have to throw it in the refrigerator graveyard.’ And I said, ‘Oh, I don’t feel very good about that.’ I had a really long talk with my refrigerator and I said, ‘If you do not stop squealing, you heard what is going to happen.’ And it absolutely stopped. I totally give thanks to all my electronic equipment every day.”
-How Stephanie recovered from a traumatic childhood and her love of Joan of Arc.
“(Joan of Arc) did amazing things – crowned the rightful king and all of that. And I just feel like I am really hitting my stride now. And one of the things I want to do and write about is being a woman. I am 66 years old now, I feel absolutely 16. I am full of energy, I have no intention of dying at 80 or 90, that is absurd as far as I am concerned.
I am at least living to 120, if not 150. I have got lots to do and I am not interested in shedding this body and starting all again until I finished my mission. And I think the heart thing comes in, because everything I do is really focused on uplifting humanity”.
-Why we need to beware of the egregore of large groups, even positive ones.
“An egregore is a forcefield or an energy that can build over any group at all. You and I are just creating a mini egregore, and the egregore has huge power. It could be over churches or cults or very dark, that is why they use all the ritual in the darker stuff. And when we engage too much, after I read that book, I left almost every group I was involved in.”
-The journey behind writing her book Creative Alchemy
“I am giving you everything, because I believe I cannot hold on to this wisdom without sharing. Otherwise, I am not in integrity and I am breaking the law of the circle. And it is time now, people are ready, seriously ready to move into their superpowers. And I wanted to give my contribution of how we can do that.
I cannot drum it into people enough that in order to be in alignment, in order to go beyond the glass ceiling, you need to know that you have to be in alignment with the highest good of all. That is never opposed with your own highest good. That is the amazing realisation.
I used to think, “Oh my own highest good, it is just going to be really boring.” But no, your own highest good is joyful and wonderful, when you finally start to get there, like you say, it is sheer happiness. Your own highest good will be what is absolutely perfectly suited to you. And every cell in your body.”
-My (Sarah’s) path to being a palmistry teacher in Brisbane after paid palmreadings were legalised in 2000.
“The psychics actually had to protest it to get it overturned under the Vagrancy Act. That explained why, when I started palmistry meetups and I would teach it, it was like someone had risen from the dead.”
-What it was like for Stephanie to win Her Majesty the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Award for ‘contribution to the arts and pursuit of excellence’ in 2002
“She was sort of like your favourite grandmother. She must be very bright, because she remembered all this stuff about us. She was able to talk about the Kings Head Theatre, as if she knew it…”
Read the full transcript of our conversation in my Patreon community.
Thank you Stephanie for your time and incredible insights!
Connect with Stephanie
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Related Links
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Stephanie Sinclaire on Wikipedia
Hong Curley’s Powerful Kindness – Four Lessons from the Author of Freedom to Love – 31/4 Lifepath
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