Nerd Alert! Once A Scientist, Always an 11:11 Starseed!

Sarah Yip and folders

Nerd alert!! I did Environmental Science at UNSW in the 1990s because like many Indigos, I wanted to save the planet (a metaphor for my mother – long story). ⁣

Studying Earth’s cycles taught me that nothing is random. Even the act of observing nature changes reality. We all have the capacity to wake up the globe and cause a huge Butterfly effect. ⁣

I did my Honours thesis in groundwater (yup, toxic undercurrents) at Lucas Heights nuclear reactor in Sydney. I was often too busy eating or chatting to notice my experiments overflowing…hence why I went into education rather than research! ⁣

After a decade in the field, I realised that Earth, like my mother, didn’t need my help, just the space and opportunity to heal! So I went into personal growth instead and started minding my own business. Can you relate? I’ll be sharing more about my quirky career in future posts this week. ⁣

Here’s my new office at Highland Park on the Gold Coast, complete with thousands of hand written numerology charts & palmistry reports. Before and after every session I make copious notes, because I don’t want to miss a thing or leave people half-knowing. You can take the nerd out of the lab, but never the lab (brain) out of the nerd.⁣

Many ppl who see 11:11 are ‘flippers’ like me, who will swing from mainstream to alternative careers, to bring tolerance to diverse groups of society. They are bridge builders between families, races and even planets, if you are into that kind of thing 😉 ⁣

Thanks for supporting the 11:11 Starseed exploration!

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Related pages and posts: 11:11 Clocks and 11:11, Numerology and Starseeds and About Sarah

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Seeing repeating numbers or at a life turning point? Book a psychic reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years. If you’d prefer a shorter reading or Tarot, please see Kris Anderson, my amazing husband. We also offer joint readings for a unique 360 degree perspective on your life’s journey and way forward.

You can also check out my events, including palmistry and numerology workshops. Not in Brisbane or the Gold Coast? I have webinars too.

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Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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