Nerd Alert! Once A Scientist, Always an 11:11 Starseed!
Nerd alert!! I did Environmental Science at UNSW in the 1990s because like many Indigos, I wanted to save the planet (a metaphor for my mother – long story).
Nerd alert!! I did Environmental Science at UNSW in the 1990s because like many Indigos, I wanted to save the planet (a metaphor for my mother – long story).
Thank you kind troll!! You’ve been writing this kind of thing for months and I gave you the benefit of the doubt. No more. You’re right, I charge
Spirits can’t hurt you. Only your thinking about Spirits can hurt you. That’s something I’ve learned the hard way in this lifetime. My goal as a psychic is to free
As I wrote in February, 2018 is about building a bridge from your past to the future (and getting over yourself!) The past nine months have been wonderful and terrible***
Do you ever feel you’ve outgrown your past? I’ve had a rocky month, which is no surprise given I’m a Master 11 Lifepath (find your lifepath), and the world is
Happy Winter Solstice for my Australian readers! This time of short days and long nights is perfect for reflecting on where you still hide in the shadows. I’ve been moving
Hi folks! Happy New Year. What a whopping start to 2018, a Master 11 Universal Year of Spiritual Growth and Partnerships. I will write a 2018 numerology forecast, but have
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