How to Raise Your Vibration & Silence the Critics – Make a Blessing Box

Want to silence your inner critic? Keen to raise your vibration and improve your intuition? Here’s a solution you’ll love creating!
Last week, I read for a beautiful client called Kristie (a Master 11 –find your lifepath), who is psychic, but doubts her guidance. During her session, I encouraged her to make a ‘blessing box’ to lift her vibration (the frequency she transmits to the Universe). We attract what we are, rather than what we want, so it’s crucial to ‘be’ the love you seek, even when that feels weird.

A blessing box is a collection of gifts, which remind you of your spiritual power. Some people add Bible scriptures to these boxes, but I prefer to keep mine non-religious. I’ve heard of people writing down things they are grateful for, and putting these in a jar. When they feel sad, they read through the messages to cheer themselves up. I like this idea, but prefer a blessing box because it’s touchy-feely. That must be my Arch fingerprints speaking.

It’s common for psychics to have a sceptical inner voice. After all, they can spot all the liars in their industry. Also, duality is our true nature. There can be no yin without yang, no dark without light and no Divine comedy show without hecklers! Despite doing thousands of psychic readings, and profiling famous people I admire, I still wake up thinking ‘am I making things up?’ Once a scientist, always a scientist…

That said, the more critical someone is of psychics, the more I think they’re ‘one of us’. You see, you only react to what you are.For example, Richard Saunders, the sceptic on the TV Show The One, is a Master 33/6 lifepath, which makes him a spiritual healer and whistleblower, here to open minds. Reverse psychology at work?

Luckily, no matter how negative your thinking, you can ‘switch states’ within minutes. Walking, singing and dancing help, as does drinking pure water and focusing on what’s working in your life. This is where a blessing box can work wonders. By handling the objects in it, you remind yourself that miracles are possible.

Tips for making a blessing box:
-Fill it with things that lift your spirits. Gifts from loved ones (e.g. children) are great. So are photos from joyful times in your life. If it makes you smile, it belongs in the box!

-If you don’t have enough items to start with, try this prayer ‘Dear Spirit, please send me perfect examples of your love, starting from now. I thank you in advance for your blessings.’ Then keep your eyes peeled. Your Spirit Guides will get to work immediately.

-Update your box each month around the New Moon, so it’s always full of fresh vibes.

-Keep it simple. My box has nine items as 9 is about surrender and infinite growth.

-Have fun! The way you feel when you create the box is how you’ll feel when you play with it.

-Put your box somewhere you’ll see it everyday. Mine is beside the desk where I do readings.

Here’s a peek at what’s in my blessing box (clockwise from top):

-A photo of my son Forrest. He is such a healer. People tell me that hugging him is addictive. Perhaps listening to 200+ readings in the womb plus a waterbirth helped make him Zen.  His picture reminds me that I can conquer ANY fear, when I have the right support.

-My butterfly ring. When I wore this on a walk, I said to Kris ‘I miss the blue butterflies we used to see at our house’. A minute later, a pair of butterflies which looked like my ring appeared. They left, then returned when I said ‘that was a coincidence, do you think there really is a God?’

I’d been researching thyroid health and the Throat Chakra at the time, which is represented by a blue butterfly in energy medicine. The day after blogging about my walk, I woke to find a blue butterfly on my door, which has never happened before. This ring reminds me that I only need to ask and believe, to receive.

-A Nautilus-like shell. As a child, I dealt with pain by visualising my struggles as a series of rooms to explore. This is what a Nautilus does, it lives in one chamber until it outgrows it. Its shell represents a spiral staircase to consciousness, and the Fibonacci Sequence/ sacred geometry. The Nautilus reminds me that everything I do will stay with me in future lifetimes, so it’s best to clean up my messes.

-A domino. Last year, I received several packets of dominos as a giveaway. I was opening the packets one by one, when I thought ‘wouldn’t it be funny if the last one is double sixes, which look like 11:11?’ As I tore open the pack, I gasped – it was two sixes. This domino reminds me to value my intuition above all else.

-Feathers. The gold box and feathers are from placenta encapsulation specialist Emma Nolan. I believe that taking my placenta prevented me from becoming depressed after birth. The pills also kept my milk supply up. These feathers remind me to be gentle with myself, because mothering is a big task.

-Geometric pendant. I left the house without my usual necklace. As I drove, I thought ‘if only I had a pendant, I feel so bare’. Shortly afterwards, I stopped at the shops for a toilet break. Lo and behold, this piece was sitting on a shelf in the cubicle. I couldn’t believe it. I waited for ages, but no one came for it, so I put it on (it matched my outfit, of course) and said thank you to Upstairs. I knew it was only a $5 chain from Diva so didn’t feel too guilty. This gift reminds me that you can’t take anything with you, so be happy now.

Lighten Up, Buttercup flower essence mist. I love Tribe of the Tree’s products, and even took Forrest to do their training in Sydney. As the yellow colour suggests, this mist heals the Solar Plexus (personal power) chakra, which is our ‘internal sun/ son’. I have been using this spray to see the bright side of life. Within two days of using it on Forrest, he started laughing for the first time. At the workshop, we sprayed it on him, and he smiled. Too cool. This essence reminds me that it’s ok to ask for help, and that healing can smell great! P.s. if you buy from Tribe of the Tree please mention this blog in the comments section 🙂 Jayne and Scott will be chuffed.

-Labradorite heart. This crystal is a protective stone. While at the Tribe of the Tree workshop, Lynette was playing with Forrest and said ‘he likes my Labradorite bracelets the most’. That evening I came home and Kris had bought Labradorite, without knowing about my day. This crystal reminds me that I am blessed to be with my Soulmate, who knows my lifepath better than I do at times. Read more on Soulmates. FYI I took this heart to a festival on the Sunshine Coast and had another amazing experience, read it here.

-Gold bracelet. I wear this to attract abundance. Psychic She D’Montford says that wearing 24K gold raises your energy, especially around money. I feel good with this on, although I’m aware that gold mining has vast environmental impacts. This bracelet reminds me that everything I own comes from other people, so always be generous.

I hope this article has given you some inspiration. It’s much easier to do readings for yourself and others when you feel supported by the Universe. A blessing box is a practical way to stay open-minded. P.S., It’s a New Moon this week. Why not make your blessing box while the time is ripe?

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