Happy 6th Birthday Forrest!

Happy 6th birthday Forrest! You appeared in my dreams decades before we met, laughing at me with your big brown eyes and not much has changed since then. Love this post? Please comment on Facebook or Instagram

6 things I love about you:
1) You’re a great communicator. You talked to me as a Spirit, telling me to hurry up and pointing to a watch. I got the message and told your psychic dad Kris Anderson it was time to have kids!

2) Your unconditional love. All colours are your favourite. All people are your friends. The secret is to be kind to each other. Telling me I am a beautiful blossom. That you took a train from the stars into my tummy. These things you’ve said have blown my heart and mind open.

3) You know what you want and that you are worthy. You cheekily telepathed me your middle name at 3 weeks old. If you need a pillow, you bring it. You only eat when you are hungry. As a baby, you cried if I criticised you to others, even if you were asleep. You tell me not to shout. You agree with others when they praise you.

4) You inspired me to grow up. I started a business so I could stay home with you (9 years before you arrived – a whole personal year cycle in numerology).

You were conceived just as I launched a psychic apprentice program. You ‘threw out’ my sad memories in utero, telling me you needed space. I even studied stand up so I could announce your pregnancy on YouTube, after people told us to abort you due to poverty.

5) You attract free stuff and joy. Since you were born, we’ve been given so much, it was as if you came with a dowry. You have taught me that money can be a blessing, not just a headache. More on spiritual money healing

6) You are the original party starter. You called down Charlie and Ziggy from the heavens, just to make sure your Dad and I never got bored again. Thanks.

True story: Forrest is an 18/9 life path Old Soul. At his adult life path turning point of 18, I will be 53, which coincides with a big change in my numerology and palmistry fate line. Find your life path

Children and parents always have joint destinies. It’s a beautiful reminder that we chose each other, and that everyone is a powerful Soul.

1:11 Every one is connected

Related Links
Class – Why Your Child Chose You ($66, was $99) Learn family numerology!
Class – Why You Chose Your Mother ($66, was $99) Heal your relationship with your parents
I Choose You, Ziggy. A Story About Our 9 Life Path Baby.
7 Discoveries About Babies That Blew My Brain – A Psychic’s Tale
Conscious Parenting, Pregnancy And Fertility Resources – Queensland Focus

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