21.12.2012 Numerology – When Black Becomes White
Wow. Only two days to go until the end of the Mayan calendar. Whew! We’re finally here. I’m sure 21.12.2012 is going to be a WHOPPER of a day, let me explain why
Wow. Only two days to go until the end of the Mayan calendar. Whew! We’re finally here. I’m sure 21.12.2012 is going to be a WHOPPER of a day, let me explain why
Do you ever wonder why you’re here on Earth? There are no mistakes in this Universe. You were born with a unique life purpose and when you are living it I
What do your your hands (and fingertips) say about your love of freedom? What is this thing we call freedom? To me, it’s a way of living where every moment
I’ve just finished the Sydney Mind Body Spirit festival and had some wonderful clients come through. Boy I have a great job! Doing four days of readings in a row always brings
I’ve been honing my numerology system for the past few months through daily practice and research. Here is my first monthly forecast for November 2012. Sorry about the late post,
There’s a classic marking for shortsightedness in the hand. It’s an eye-shaped island in the Heart line. Today’s blog is all about VISION and as usual it’s inspired by real-life events. I’ve just
Skin texture is one of the fastest ways to ‘read’ a person’s character in palmistry and it takes only seconds to assess. Your skin forms a barrier between you and
I’ve been thinking a lot about grounding recently. ‘Being grounded’ is an interesting phrase. In the spiritual world it is usually considered as a good thing. Many people are told they
Like many people, I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was little. I have diaries dating back 25 years full of drawings, photos and tales of odd moments in
How decisive are you in life? Recently a friend told me that the word ‘decide’ comes from the Latin ‘decidere’ which means to cut off, or to settle a dispute.
I have some great news on the palmistry front. Paul Fenton-Smith has agreed to visit Brisbane to run a one-off Introduction to Palmistry Workshop. The workshop will run over the weekend of
Recently I’ve been feeling in dire need of a cry. So here I am, standing at the sink, holding two cut onions to my eyes, hoping that the fumes will bring
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