How to Be Happy! Solving the Puzzle of Your Life Purpose, Using Numerology

Do you ever wonder why you’re here on Earth? There are no mistakes in this Universe. You were born with a unique life purpose and when you are living it I PROMISE you will jump out of bed everyday (like the whale in this picture) because you can’t wait to share your dreams with others.

Identifying your purpose gives you an opportunity to set goals and experience happiness at any age or stage of life.

So how you find out your life purpose? There’s so many ways…through palmistry, numerology, meditation, quizzes, keeping a diary, careers counselling and umpteen others. See my Find Your Lifepath page to discover your lifepath in numerology, using your date of birth.

A life purpose is like a cake- it’s all very well to be given the recipe but 99% of the fun comes from hunting down the ingredients, getting your hands floury, baking the cake and then eating it with your loved ones!

Another analogy is that it’s easy to buy a postcard of Mount Everest, but quite another feat to climb it. Yet it’s the climb to your life purpose which makes you strong and an inspiration to those around you.

Once you know your life purpose you can break it down into goals to help you to achieve it. And all human beings need goals to be happy. We may not hit every goal we set ourselves, but the process of moving forwards gives us pleasure and the chance to bring something new into the world.

You see, goals force us into action, and action is what attracts energy into our lives (be it health, love, spiritual or financial energy).

The reason for my blog today is I’ve just completed a 1000 piece puzzle by Narelle Wildman, which took around 30 hours to do! In the process, I had plenty of time to reflect on how solving a puzzle is just like finding happiness.

1) You start with the picture on the front (e.g. an idea of what happiness looks or feels like for you, preferably written down in a list or a drawing)

2) You sort out the puzzle pieces that fit together and those that don’t. I group by colour to start with (e.g. you set goals based on adding or expanding activities that make you happy and reducing the ones that deplete you)

3) You look at the pieces and go ‘Arghh! How am I going to do this?!’ (e.g. you experience doubts about your ability to be happy!! This is part of the humbling process of being human…)

4) You start with easy wins like the corner/ border pieces (e.g. you set ‘happiness’ boundaries such as averaging 8 hours sleep, taking Sundays off and having a date night with your partner once a week)

5) You get in there and solve the puzzle, piece by piece through trial and error, EVEN when your brain is telling you the picture on the front is wrong, you need to do the laundry, or you’ve probably lost half the pieces and should give up now!  (e.g. you turn up for your life, appreciating the small things and take each day as it comes, using positive self-talk to keep yourself going)

6) You stay focused on the picture on the front of the puzzle – your vision – and keep comparing it to what you have…every piece is important! (e.g. you review your moods and progress regularly to stay motivated)

7) You notice that the closer you get to completing the puzzle the better you feel!! (e.g. you find that happiness comes from persisting to finish a goal)

8) You finish the puzzle and realise there are 5 more in the series! (e.g. in the process of achieving your goals you integrate that happiness is an eternal  journey, we all have past, present and future lives :D).Hmm…it’s like a giant cosmic joke huh! Well, they do say that God is a comedian people are too afraid to laugh at…

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With best wishes,
Sarah Yip
(a 29/11 lifepath & Master Numbers Teacher)
Professional Psychic
Brisbane Australia
Specialising in Palmistry, Numerology & Clairvoyance
I’m an 11:11 Clocks and Repeating Numbers Researcher
SMS 0408 898 028

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