11:11 Miracle Alert – Bread, Bombs and Past Life Healing

1111 miracle alert! Did a past life regression on myself to clear some stuck feelings. Went back to a European life as a girl who made bread with her mum and went through the terror of war / hiding from the enemy.

Her message to me was that you can’t spend all your life hiding from the next bomb (drama) or you’ll die with regrets. It’s important to create good times with family and enjoy the outdoors when you can, to top up your heart and courage.

Woke up at 11.11am and texted friends who were coming to visit. They turned up with…a delicious loaf of gluten and dairy free bread from a European style bakery, Maria Anita’s Gluten Free Health Cafe.

Great confirmation that the message I received was valid. This type of thing has happened dozens of times over the years, I record it all in a journal.

Among other meanings, 11:11 is a DNA-level signal that all the doors are open for your multidimensional healing. Embrace the clearing

P.S. I’m not doing past life regressions while on leave, but you can see Margaret Foster or Vicki Haspels or Julia Chai for sessions. They are all amazing therapists.

P.S. I took baby Ziggy to the beach after this spiritual wake up call!

#miraclealert #1111 #pastlives#pastliferegression#angelnumbers#numerology#thenumbersqueen#sarahyip

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