Sept 2020 Numerology! We are now in a 4 Universal month in a 4 Universal year. This brings double Heart (4th) chakra healing and doorways to eternal love. The Holy Grail – a mass knowing of immortality and Soul magnifence is now within reach.
4 looks like the flag on a castle. It’s about self-marriage and fidelity. Those who live in their heads are rarely at home (or) in their hearts. 2020 has recalled us to our homes, families and physical bodies. September will reveal who’s been doing the inner work and who’s been hiding behind their outer work.
Expect new revelations and fairer financial and justice systems to emerge!
Tip: September is the 9th month of the year, 9 is about conclusions and rewriting history. No matter what Personal Year you are in, the energy is doubled now. Sept is a cosmic exam time. Find your personal year
It asks us to ensure we are in 100% harmony with ourselves and have strong teams around us as the world sheds layers of grief and misunderstandings. Over the coming weeks, you’ll be tested on what you have learned since January and especially May-June 2020. Focus on kicking big goals and the time will whiz by.
October brings a preview of 2021 so be prepared for even more revolution soon. I recommend plenty of music, dancing, communication skill-building and honest self-reflection between now and then.
Do not rush, remember that rushing is violence, and so is your silence when it’s rooted in compliance. (quote from Medicine, a song by Rising Appalachia)
If you’re struggling to relax, why not:
-turn the word Impatience into the affirmation ‘I’m patience’.
-think of S.L.O.W. as Selecting Love Over Worry.
-remember that NO is the reverse of ON and the core of Know. When you need to say NO, try ‘that just doesn’t turn me on. I know it is not for me!’ Or even ‘a no to your chaos is a yes to my calm’.
I wish you a month of forgiveness, mindful action and rebuilding. You are in my heart!!
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Leave a comment on my Facebook post at The Numbers Queen
I read every comment personally and generally respond to them too.
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Related Links
Find Your Lifepath (2020 is a big time for 4 and 22 lifepaths) This page contains descriptions of the number – chakra connections (and a diagram).
Join my Patreon community where we discuss all things spiritual and 11:11.
The first week of the month is the best time to join for maximum value.
August 2020 Numerology Forecast (with links to previous months)
I’d love to see you at my next live online forecast on 27 Sept. It’s called ‘2020 – What the ?!’ Bookings open on my homepage ($44)