Pre-Valentine’s Day 2021 Tips

Pre-Valentine’s post! Lasting love is not an accident. It takes self-esteem, effort and community. When people say I’m lucky to have Kris, I thank them, then I say he’s lucky to have me, too!

Houses don’t build themselves
Kids don’t raise themselves
Marriages don’t happen by coincidence
You attract happiness by meeting the Universe halfway. Not waiting around.

Some people work 50-60+ hours a week to help others, yet feel bad taking an hour to have a reading, healing or massage. No wonder they have no power left to manifest personal bliss.

2021 is a 5 Year of Radical Truth and Freedom. Where we balance our yin/ yang and male/female sides for unity. See Your 2021 Numerology Forecast webinar for specific tips based on your life path

Marriage has a 45/9 vibration (9 heals the world), the same as Commitments, Lifework & Housework. Whether it’s inner or outer healing, you need to keep growing your heart.

I remember the first time I saw my relationship lines in palmistry (see my previous post on children’s lines). I’d known since 10yo I had a Soulmate and kids coming. That wisdom helped me to navigate 25 years of turmoil until I gave birth and got married at ages 35/36 (it’s common for lifepath 11s to bloom then).

If there’s one thing I can say about marriage, it’s fun. I never thought was possible but I like challenges. Each day with Kris is a new opportunity to learn and renew my faith in a positive world.

If you want to draw in a Soulmate, be it a partner, child, business or creative idea like a book, the biggest thing to do is to put aside regular time for them to show up. Also consider making a crystal grid to draw them in!

Keep a day or night free. Make space in your bedroom and house. Invest in a coach. Surround yourself with people who think it’s normal to rely on miracles.

As Kris​​ says, they call it a Soulmate (sole-mate) because they keep you on track and kick your butt if you get stuck!

P.S. This beautiful bird sticker (cover photo) is on our bedroom window.

Want to learn more? See this page for great psychics and healers. Mercury retrograde is the perfect time for tuning in. I also have downloadable courses and an 11:11 Patreon group (now capped at 200 ppl). We’d love to meet you.

Also, see my post about writing romance wishlists – best time to do this is on or just after the new moon, 11/ 12 February 2021.


Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

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Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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