My awkward hospital story about being a human disco ball (and flashing around!)

Awkward story. ‘Tis the season to talk about formerly unspeakable truths. I found a lump ‘down there’ a while back. Saw gynaecology yesterday. Was delighted to have a female doctor and male student, what a great reversal to usual. Comment on the Facebook or Instagram posts.

Please note: This post discusses women’s reproductive issues.

There I was, in an elevated chair and stirrups and they couldn’t figure out what the lump was. Another doctor was called in, who said something ‘off’ to me while I was up there, feeling like a human disco ball (flashing around, yeah that was a mum joke). I think it was along the lines of, ‘fancy meeting you like this’…

I bit my tongue but later said to the doctor that the surgeon’s comment made me uncomfortable. He reminded me of one of my relatives. I think it’s partly a generational thing as he was a lot older.

After that moment, I needed an ice cream* and chips (junk food is my cheap and cheerful way to ground when I’m in a rush. *It was an organic Pana dairy-free choc top so not that dodgy).

The best thing about my hospital visit was the support staff. They all held Ziggy and I found out later that one of them follows me on Facebook. Small world!

Ziggy just loves doctors and nurses. He told me telepathically that he wanted a dramatic birth because he is a healer and needs to meet lots of medical staff (we have been to see dozens of specialists, midwives, alternative healers etc. and he’s only 4.5 months old).

Since he mentioned that, I’ve lost most of my fear of hospitals because 95% of the people we’ve seen have been awesome.

So today I was doing a reading and mentioned my appointment. What do you know, my client’s biggest question was about an issue ‘down there’ as well!

Yup. I always go the extra mile for clients. Us 11 life paths love to give 11/10! Find your life path

5:55 as I write this. Must be healing my throat chakra.


Related Links
Ziggy’s Dramatic Arrival at the Gold Coast Birth Centre – A Mother’s Review (Part 1)
Review of The Mother Wound by Amani Haydar (plus a Comic of Baby Ziggy)
Conscious Parenting, Pregnancy and Fertility Resources
New class – Why You Chose Your Mother – 14 August 2021 (earlybird special of $110 ends 1 August, use the code HEALMUM)

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