Did you know? Almost every healer or psychic I see raises their prices after meeting me. I love when great people get their just desserts. 2023 update – check out 11:11 World Changers, my new spiritual business program. Next intake early 2024!
‘Charge’ has the same meaning as leaping forwards. You need to charge enough to stay a leader and move people out of their fear, including yourself!
Last night I got a msg that a healer I see is raising her prices. I was so happy for her.
That’s like the dozenth time that has happened in a few years – after I start seeing therapists they almost always raise their fees within months (sometimes minutes, see story below).
Why? Maybe I catch them during an upward swing. Or, more likely, I help give them extra courage and feedback to stand tall in their power.
Once I was getting a massage and within 5min I said to the lady, you need to up your prices, you’re amazing. We had a chat about it and she ended up following my advice, which was fantastic for her family, business and future self’s choices.
Seriously, everytime I increase my training, standards and rates, I book out faster. In an unregulated industry, price IS a sign of experience and confidence.
Of course, if you go too high no one will book in or return, but generally healers and psychics are community-minded and have the opposite issue.
They charge too little, which sadly means they send out mixed messages. I avoid ppl who undervalue themselves* or never raise their prices, as it can lead to messiness – you feel you owe them a testimonial or have to keep coming back.
*There are exceptions. Some ppl are wanting work experience or are financially free and happy to give back etc.
Please, charge enough so that money is not an issue or on your mind when you see the client.
Everyone’s needs have been met. And your client will go on to pay others properly, too. Best advice I ever got on setting fees.
P.s. thanks Kate Porter (Sacred Birthkeeper Gold Coast) for the amazing doula help and food, this gf/df pear tart is delicious!
Related Links
11:11 World Changers – Spiritual Business Program
Change for Good – A Spiritual Money webinar ($49.50, was $99)
11 Secrets To A Successful Therapy Business webinar ($22)
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