How much should I tell a psychic before and during a reading? Why can’t they guess my name?

How much should I tell a psychic before and during a reading? Why can’t they guess my name?

The answer is – it varies. Psychics use different methods to help you connect the dots and make heart-based decisions.

Before a psychic reading:
-Some readers ask for no information. They work from energy.

-Most readers ask for your name, so they can address you personally and tune in. Some want to hold something you bring, like a photo or necklace (psychometry).

-Professional, full-time readers are likely to ask for your name and contact details for insurance, tax and marketing (and contact tracing). They need to track things just as any other service provider would do.

That doesn’t mean they will Google or Facebook search you, although this can happen. Readers should be upfront if they do this. I often review websites before business readings.

I request DOB and hand photos to prepare for numerology and palmistry readings. I create a chart so you can see your life path, turning point ages, birth vs current name energies, DOB grid and personal years. I also go through your hands in a screen-share, which we record on video.

During a psychic reading:
-Most readers prefer if you confirm during the session if the information makes sense. As we read for multiple people a day, we need your help to fine tune details.

-If you stay silent, it makes it hard for the reader. I refund clients who do this as it will use too much energy to finish the call.

-Oversharing can also bog a reading down. Giving some detail is great but we don’t need your whole life story. It can bias us and keeps you in your head. A good reader will gently let you know if you’re doing this.

Why psychic readers can’t guess your name:

-Firstly, some readers can! But it’s not a sign they can help you. Many people can read the basic aura (what you already know), but to change your life, you need a psychic who tells you what you don’t know you know!

-For me, your name and DOB are passwords to unlock your Soul contract. They give me permission to read for you.

Hope you enjoyed these tips.

#psychic #mythbusting #thenumbersqueen #sarahyip

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