Happy 3 Months Ziggy! How We Met an Angel in an Op Shop

Happy 3 months Ziggy! Thank you for bringing together all the tribes.

I was in an op shop and felt this urge to go to the back of the stall. Literally heard Ziggy say in my head, ‘take me over there’. Standing in the centre of the aisle was Jill, a radiant older lady with a halo of pale hair. Surely an Angel in human form.

Note: I tell this story in my 11:11 numerology forecast on 21 May. Video is at the end of this post.

She looked like she was waiting for us. After introductions, I asked if she wanted to give Ziggy a cuddle. She was amazed I would let her. I said ‘I’m a third time mum, I suss people out and trust my judgement’.

After some big hugs, she had tears in her eyes and said she hadn’t been able to see her baby grandkids due to the travel restrictions As we left, she said ‘I will never, ever forget this day.’

Imagine if we always greeted our friends, family, strangers and selves with that much joy and care?

9 life paths like Ziggy come to heal past lives and family trees by triggering mass reflection and forgiveness.

Thanks Jill for reminding me to love like there is no tomorrow. And thanks Ziggy, Forrest, Charlie and Kris R Anderson for healing my views of the masculine. It’s heart work everyday with you.


Related Links
Ziggy’s Dramatic Arrival at the Gold Coast Birth Centre – A Mother’s Review (Part 1)
7 Discoveries About Babies That Blew My Brain – A Psychic’s Tale
All Ziggy Lionheart posts

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