Book Review: The Intimacy of Death and Dying by Trypheyna McShane and Zenith Virago

My review of The Intimacy of Death and Dying. This is a book for our times. It blends tender, true stories and practical guidance on death, a topic that is so prominent right now. Comment on the Facebook post and Instagram.

What I gained from this book:
-Profoundly helpful ideas on how to approach death in an intuitive way. All ages and walks of life are represented lovingly.
-Validation that Spirits send signs after death.
-Practical wake up calls on where I need to be more organised, for example regarding a will.

What was confronting:
-I ugly cried my way through the first read, as I felt people’s grief (and hope) so strongly.
-Reading about living wakes, how brave.
-Chapters such as ‘spending time with the body’, ‘losing my husband to suicide’ and ‘two babies, one heartbeat’ were tough going.

The standout for me was the story of Anna Wood, who died from ecstasy at 15. Born 27 May 1980 (8 months before me), she was a 32/5 life path Rebel in numerology, here to heal her throat chakra (centre of honesty). Her parents later became anti-drug activists. Amazingly, they saw the Spirits of her grandfathers in hospital and knew they had come to take Anna home.

Anna also appeared to her mum a week after her death, so strongly that Angela could smell her. A year later, Anna apologised to her dad and said she was ‘helping the young ones who die and are confused when they arrive’. Wow. Find your life path

Numerology: 2022 is a 6 Universal Year of Visionary Love. It will bring chances to open our third eyes and receive guidance. Note the triple 2s? Death has a 20/2 vibration, the same as Flow, Rock, Balance, Tide and Music. All such natural processes.

As a girl, I was around grief a lot. These days, having studied past lives, Holistic counselling and been a psychic, I see death as a higher family reunion. It still hurts when loss happens but I find comfort in my beliefs. If you’d like to know which mediums I see, check out my colleagues and Leanne Barefoot Medium (see an interview).

This book is a must-read if you want to plan ahead or feel called to work with the dying.

I hope to meet Zenith Virago in future. There is power in discussing taboos.

Buy the book from The Natural Death Care Centre ($40)
Buy the book from Booktopia ($17-$23, Ebook available)
It’s also available from other online bookstores.


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