Mercury retrograde tips for sanity! Comment BREATHE on the Instagram or Facebook posts if you enjoy this blog. From 14 January to 3 or 4 February 2022 (depending on location), we’re being invited to connect LESS with the outer world and MORE with the inner world. What’s that you say? Sounds like the past two years? Yes – I get it. I do. But still, the lessons beckon.
6 suggestions from me to you:
1) When people offend you (and they will), take a breath and reflect on their track record before you bite back. Have they consistently stepped on your toes?
Then set boundaries (see my article on dealing with critics and saying no, also Michelle Elman’s Instagram). Conversely, have they been an ally until now? Then consider it a spiritual bad hair day and refocus on what’s working still.
2) Drive like there’s an instructor next to you, and they’re strict. This is not a time to speed or bend traffic rules, even if other people seem to be doing so. Be the calm in the chaos.
3) Double check your spelling, email recipients, bookings etc. and allow for random delays. Hold off sending sexy texts until you’re sure you put your lover’s name in the to: field and not your mum’s!! Awkward…
4) Expect Spirit signs galore. 11:11, 12:12 and repeating number discos. Syncs between what you’re thinking and what plays on the radio. Licence plate messages. Mercury retrograde is a time when intuition works better than logic. See this half-price class, Develop Your Intuition, now $33.
5) Clear your inboxes, email and spiritual. When you pray, that sends a message to Spirit. When you meditate, you receive Spirit’s reply, which is time-sensitive. So don’t just spam God(dess) – make it a two way conversation. Don’t know how to meditate? See these tips.
6) 2022 is a 6 Universal year of third eye chakra (ESP) activation. Click here for Your 2022 Numerology Forecast replay, only $44 until 4 Feb! With 4 Mercury retrogrades, we have ample chances to clear our fear of Soul truths, ghosts (lessons of the past), and surviving without tech. Use these ‘amber light’ periods to rest and review your directions and you will stay ahead of the pack.
Wow. As I typed ‘toes’ above, my son yelled ‘toes’ outside. Fun times.
#mercuryretrograde #astrology #dontspamgoddess #dontspamgod #thenumbersqueen #sarahyip #thepsychicmum
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