A Prayer for the Staff of Centrelink – May You Feel The Light of Love Now

A Prayer for the Staff of Centrelink (and all the frontline workers affected in these turbulent times…)

We honour your efforts
To keep so many people connected
To ensure that no one misses out
To deal with unending restrictions and intolerable pressure

We feel your panic, as you feel ours
We recognise your humanity, as you see ours
We hear your heart beating, as nervously as ours
We know you are doing your best
In impossibly hard circumstances

May your energy stay high
May your families stay safe
May the technology work
May your managers support you

Thank you for giving us a chance
To see how we really are going as a society
For reflecting our biases and desires
For copping our anger and abuse

A waterfall of consciousness to you
A mountain of strength to you
A valley of kindness to you
A planet of compassion to you

This life is not easy but your efforts will be rewarded
Don’t give up
You are important
Everything you do with patience
Is spreading the light of love
Go well, my Soul friends

We see you
We see you
We see you

(and on that note, have a listen to this beautiful mantra song called In The Light of Love by my friends Deva Premal and Miten – Deva’s 23/5 lifepath ‘Rebel’ numerology is here)

I also found this hilarious Centrelink comedy skit by Jenny Wynter, a local performer from Brisbane. It truly will brighten your day! Jenny is a 34/7 Lifepath Spiritual Teacher – Find Your Lifepath

Background to this post

I have enormous empathy for people who work in call centres and low-paid customer service jobs, based on personal experience. As much as I know people need money right now to survive, there is no need to mistreat anyone – mental illness, suicide and domestic violence are real outcomes of being bullied at work. How would you feel if you yelled at someone today and found out that they crashed their car tonight due to anxiety? Or worse?

Some of you may know that my mother worked in call centres (Telstra) my whole childhood and that my previous career was in tele-fundraising (I outlasted several call centre managers).

So I know ALL about the pain of the agents who make or take call after call – the energy they cop is EPIC. I still remember my mother telling me the horror stories of trying to help people while being timed and how her managers constantly harassed to sell, sell, sell even on complaint calls.

One day I asked her why she was so angry at me, and she said ‘because I can’t be angry at work so I have to vent it on you.’ Honest words indeed.

This, coming from a woman who was head prefect in her school back in Singapore and had a prestigious job in Government before coming to Australia for a new life and only being able to get work in customer service due to racism and having children (she arrived during White Australia).

FYII also used to work for the Government in Canberra and still have a number of contacts behind the scenes. On that note, I can tell you from direct feedback that the staff at Centrelink are exhausted, spent – some of them are stressing out and/ or practically working 24/7 while trying to keep their families and kids safe and okay.

Yes, it’s true, they are not the only people suffering – so many Australians have been lurched into joblessness and I am respectful of them also. Kris lost his NRL filming work last week, so we have been on the myGov website for days trying to lodge a claim (hint: it works better at 4am) and called Centrelink 35+ times this morning without success. He eventually went in person and lodged a successful application.

The COVID-19 saga is a wake up call to get our priorities straight. To put our health first, and look after our loved ones, rather than expecting external forces to rescue us (meeting the Universe halfway, basically). Read more about 2020’s Heart Healing numerology

We are thinking of you!

At times like this, the Serenity Prayer is also fantastic: “Go(o)d, please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” Say, or sing it out loud and really breathe into the heart-fulness of this affirmation.

In conclusion
People are going to act like headless chickens for months to come, but you don’t have to. Leadership – an eagle eye view and presence – is needed now more than ever and if you see 11:11 and repeated numbers, you have come here to specifically raise the energy and to bring people back into tune with nature and their life missions. This is your time to connect and inspire!

FYI, CENTRELINK has a 3552953952 = 48/12/3 numerology (see the system I use for word-number analysis), the same vibration as INTENTION, FAMILY LOVE, MONEY TREE, MEDITATIONS and SPIRIT LUCK.

One of my psychic mentors, Vicki Haspels used to work for Centrelink and run meditations for the workers there – she opened my eyes in that area. While the Department itself has plenty of failings, and I’ve had many debates with them), the staff have always been helpful to us.

You get what you give. Years ago, I was so happy I was eligible for a $30 payment*, that the service agent said that was the strangest reaction she’d seen in 11 years, and she was going to tell the other staff how grateful I was! *I needed the ‘dole’ to apply for the NEIS scheme, but in the end I withdrew from that process as they don’t allow psychic businesses (sigh.)

I hope this post has shown you a different side of the coin, in a good way.
We are only as evolved as the way we treat our support staff – whether it’s our relatives, partners, employees, or the stranger finding us a solution.

Related Links
All my Coronavirus posts
My Morning Show Debut – Chinese Year of the Rat Forecast 2020 (it’s a year people will leave the rat race and look for new sources of income)
7 Can-opener Relationships That Shocked Me Awake – Are You in One? Mentions toxic jobs and relationships which are draining, one-way streets and how to move on. Remember, people don’t leave jobs, they leave bosses.
How to Deal with Criticism – 3 Tips for Staying Zen
8 Spiritual Ways to Stop Bullying – Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight.
I’d also recommend my Detox Relationships MP3, which helps you to detach from other people’s baggage and can be used daily to heal yourself – it’s part of my Meditation Triple Pack ($30) or can be bought standalone ($15)

Special Offer – if you work for Centrelink you can email me and I will send you a copy of my Meditation Triple Pack for free (allow 1-3 weeks as I am receiving a lot of emails at this time)

Click on the image to buy my Meditation Triple Pack ($30) for instant download – an amazing set of healing tools

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