1 + 1 is a window – what if your parents knew your life path from the start?

1 + 1 = what, Sarah? This was the question my father regularly asked me at dinner while he still lived with us. He’d use toothpicks or chopsticks to make the image shown here.

I would always say ‘2, Dad, 1 + 1 makes 2.”

He would laugh and say ‘no, Sarah, 1 + 1 equals window, look at how the equals sign becomes the frame.’

For years I thought he was nuts.

Until, around my life path age turning point of 29, when I discovered I was a 29/11/2 life path Spiritual Messenger in numerology. Find your life path

Then my whole life flashed before me. I read that 11’s make great psychics and just knew, I had to leave fundraising and go full-time as a palmreader to avoid further mental health issues and pain.

I met my husband on my first public palmistry talk, and have since healed my trust in humanity. As a charity worker and environmental scientist I felt like nothing I did was ever enough.

But reading hands and talking about life paths, I found my people – the ones who cared about others, and who didn’t judge me by my figures (income or appearance).

Through one on one readings (about 4, 000 now) and my 11:11 research, I discovered that everyone has a story that will move you to tears and joy, if you look deeply enough into their lives.

All that time, my father was telling my life purpose, and I never realised. Wow.

If you a reading this post today, look back at your childhood.

Is it possible that your parents always knew why you came here? That you do have a purpose, and a plan to achieve it, kept in the deepest parts of your heart?

I find that children choose life paths, which heal their family timelines. For instance, at 29 years old, my mum was pregnant with me and I am a 29/11/2 life path, here to heal the Divine Feminine.

In my recent class, Why You Chose Your Mother, I said to people that your parents’ job is not to make you happy, but to grow your courage, so that you can make yourself happy.

Numerology has brought me the calm I never thought I would have. It showed me why my Dad needed to go travelling when I was 14, and why my mum and I clashed until I had children too.

It’s time to love when you see in the window of your mind xx

Thanks Dad.

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Related Links
Happy Father’s Day To My Telepathic Dad (a 32/5 lifepath Spiritual Rebel)
7 Discoveries About Babies That Blew My Brain – A Psychic’s Tale
You Can’t Not Belong – Four Ways to Forgive Your Family (Especially Your Parents)

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