Meditation and Crystal Reiki Tips with Deniz Akan from Dimensional Healing

Deniz Akan from Dimensional Healing helped me to transform from a sceptical scientist to a psychic and hundreds of my clients have seen her now, with rave reviews! I have distance and in person healings with her regularly and she’s co-taught many of my classes.

Tip: Use the code ANGELEGG for $33 off Crystal Healing for 11:11 Starseeds (that’s half-price!)

In her treatments, Deniz includes crystals & gemstones, sound, vibrational and shamanic healing. She connects to celestial bodies, sacred geometry and interdimensional beings and her channellings are out of this world soothing for sensitive beings.

She is a 28/10/1 life path Pioneer, Catalyst and Black Sheep, who began working with crystals and Starseeds at her life path turning point of 28, while living in India (also a 28/10/1 vibration place). Find your life path

Book in with Deniz at Dimensional Healing (new clients are AUD220, current ones are AUD180)

I also encourage you to follow Deniz @dimensionalhealing on Instagram and Dimensional Healing on Facebook. She’s also on YouTube and does monthly guidance videos with Julie.

She also sees 11:11 and repeating numbers.

Background: To celebrate the launch of my new meditation class, I’m interviewing my teachers and famous friends about their journeys. We hope you enjoy our myth-busting chat. See Intro Meditation Webinar (includes a 3.5 hour video replay plus 9 guided meditations to help you learn how to tune in, once and for all! Now $44, which is half-price.)

Enjoyed this? See my other meditation tip videos on this account.

Related Links
Your 2022 Numerology Forecast (now $33, was $88) Deniz does an amazing sound healing in this class. I listen to her 20min track frequently to integrate the chaotic global energies and constant upgrades. Also includes a third eye meditation and 9 life path animal totem tracks.
My Psychic Secret Weapon #1- Deniz Akan From Dimensional Healing
Video – 11:11 Channelling and Sound Healing with Deniz Akan and Sarah Yip
Video – House Clearing And Address Numerology With Deniz Akan, Our Favourite Crystal Healer

More in this Series
Meditation Tips with Vicki Haspels, The Conscious Mystic and My Psychic Mentor Since 2011
Meditation Tips with Karen Jacobsen, The GPS Girl
Meditation Tips with Sarah Maxwell, Retired Pro Athlete Turned Supercoach
Meditation Tips with Alison Lee, Artist, Psychotherapist And Group Facilitator
Meditation Tips with Ian White, Founder of the Australian Bush Flower Essences
Meditation Tips With Melanie Spears, Creator Of The Gratitude Diary (Who Sells 17K Copies A Year)
Meditation Tips with Heather Plett, Co-Founder of the Centre for Holding Space
Meditation And Infertility Chat With Emma Dean, Musician And 1 Life Path Pioneer
Meditation And Youth Mental Health Tips From An 8 Life Path Millennial Entrepreneur

Meditation #Dimensionalhealing #Denizakan #Crystalhealing #Crystalgrids #Reiki #1lifepath #Numerology #Thenumbersqueen #Sarahyip #Thepsychicmum

Recorded on the Gold Coast on 21 April 2022 on the land of the Yugambeh/ Kombumerri peoples.

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

Connect with us
Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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