Magical Spe1111ing – Evil vs Good (Go Do)

Magical Spe1111ing tip: Evil expires your will to livE. Good inspires you to ‘Go do’ !!

I love anagrams. I use them to break the hold of painful beliefs with my clients all the time. Funnily, my Dad was called the Anagram/ Metaphor King in his time too (he was in TV engineering).

Rearranging insults removes their sting. You can also use acrostics to heal e.g. WITCH becomes Woman. In. Total. Connection with. Herself. (Can also be a Wizard. In. Total. Connection with. Himself).

My birth experience in hospital was huge. I’m still writing it up but it got me thinking, ‘people worried about their jobs rarely do a good job’.

Perhaps Evil is not always direct violence so much as carelessness and treating others like a number (as a numerologist I know this sounds ironic, but when you use numerology kindly, it’s a tool of instant family forgiveness and Soul connection).

During these times of media chaos and headless chicken rhetoric, remember that what makes you stop breathing / want to expire is the true enemy and thing you want to start reducing your exposure to…

What gives you breath and hope is your true path during this precious global time of rebalance and rising courage.

2021 is a 5 Universal Year of Radical Truth and Freedom. May is the turning point (Universal 1 Month). See Your 2021 Numerology Forecast webinar for more tips and healing meditations.

FYI, I had a dream about Hitler (32/5 life path, same as Chairman Mao), which reminded me that those whose ideas are trampled will not hesitate to kill off the ideas and in some cases, offspring (human or creative) of others. Find your life path

I know this because I was told to abort my son by someone who didn’t follow their heart. As the saying goes, what is not transmuted is transferred.

Hitler was among other things, a frustrated painter. Who knows what would have been different if he had gone down the artist’s path instead of mass destruction?

So, next time your inner voice or loved one confides a desire to you, listen and learn. This is a baby step to world harmony. Breathing with the other as they birth their secret medicine dreams…

P.s. thanks everyone on this page for your support after Ziggy’s landing!!!


Related Links
Magical Spe1111ing – Happy International Women’s Day
7 Signs That You Were a Witch, Wizard or Healer in Your Past Life
Develop Your Intuition and Banish Self-Doubt This webinar contains step by step explanations of your inner voice (intuition), inner critic and inborn psychic powers. Written by a former scientist and sceptic turned numerologist and 11:11 researcher, this class will take you through your gifts, give you daily meditations, routines and clearing exercises to build your confidence and bust dozens of superstitions you may carry around being ‘spiritual’ and ‘Go(o)d enough’.

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

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Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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