Magical Spe1111ing tip: Women is an anagram of ‘New Om’ (fresh blessings and peace). Women has a 25/7 numerology, the same as Earth, Heart and Mortal
So, we really do make the world go round.
Happy International Women’s Day!
Did you know?? In my psychic readings and workshops, I often need to clear the ‘fear of not being Go(o)d enough’ with female clients and students, before we even learn numerology or palmistry!!
Why? Because if you truly think women came from a rib or a second thought, you’ll rarely be able to manifest freely. There will be a part of you that is disconnected from your Divine power and finds it hard to be clear with the masculine, logical part of reality. Your inner critic will be huge.
That means you’ll over compensate by being overly nice, not realising that often, ‘the good guy is the bad guy’.
In other words, by not being assertive and fully self-loving, you create codependence, confusion and more work for the women and helpers coming after you, because you are too afraid of being dubbed evil or getting struck down for sinfulness etc. So you’ll undervalue your work, creating one-way energy sucks…
Please, stop making our lives harder.
Clarity is kind. It’s ok to question Go(o)d, in fact it’s essential for self-realisation. It’s also super healthy to ask people to pay you for your wisdom, time, energy and space-holding. Take the credit. Make big change/s. Fill your cup.
You’ll only rise as high as your expectations. Make this the year you break through the glass ceiling (aka, lid of Snow White’s glass coffin).
You don’t need a kiss from a prince to wake you up. Just the determination to be a free Soul again…
I look forwards to working with many of you once back from maternity leave.
To learn more, check out my online classes. I have a spiritual money one called Change for Good that’s on these topics and available for download.