11:11 Holy Grail T-Shirt Design – Fill Your Cup!

Fill your cup! Especially before you give someone a serve of your thoughts 

Here’s my latest 11:11 tshirt design, based on the Holy Grail. It’s one of my screenprinting and hand stencilled patterns  that I made at Impress Printmakers Studio in Brisbane. The 11s are filling the goblet with prana. This idea of working from a place of fullness is a principle I’m studying with my money and alchemy coach, Lotus Kruse. I channelled this to transform some negative self-talk, after giving someone a refund (my first in 75 readings!) yesterday. Could not connect to their Soul contract despite spending ages preparing.

Charlie kept yelling, which often signals I’m around someone in pain. I should have listened to him better. Nevertheless, these are the breaks, and I wished the client well. Sometimes it’s just not a match.

I am a numerologist, palmreader and life mapper, not a mind reader who can tell you everything you’ve done on demand…you already know that stuff. Better to explore what you don’t know you don’t know – that’s what really blocks your bliss. Onwards and upwards. Online t-shirt store coming…

Thanks to my screenprinting tutor Nancy Brown for her constant support!

Further Links
11:11 Clocks
Can You Sue A Psychic? Some of My Weirdest Refund Stories
3 Ways That Letting People Down Can Raise You Up
How Charlie Got His Name – Kingfisher Totems & The Holy Grail

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Or, for greater clarity, book a reading with me to discover your soul contract and 2018 forecast. it’s worth the suspense – see feedback. I also teach numerology and palmistry workshops in Brisbane. For a reading within 7-14 days, book a Tarot reading in Brisbane with my husband Kris on 0428 626 727. Read more about Kris. I also recommend Vicki Haspels and Caroline Byrd, my spiritual mentors and gifted mediums.

With best wishes,
Sarah Yip
(a 29/11 lifepath & Master Numbers Teacher)
Professional Psychic
Brisbane Australia
Specialising in Palmistry, Numerology & Clairvoyance
I’m an 11:11 Clocks and Repeating Numbers Researcher
SMS 0408 898 028
All articles on this blog are copyrighted. Content may not be reproduced without written permission from the author. Comments made below will be reviewed before they appear online.Comments from the original facebook post on The Numbers QueenSammy Powdrell
I had a similar situation today. I started to do what the client needed rather than what she thought she wanted and she left 10 mins in without charge. Maybe third time ever in 8 years.

Reply from Sarah
Big energy day for halting the madness xx


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