Change for Good – Spiritual Money Webinar for 11:11 See’rs now available!

Today, I launched Change for Good – A Spiritual Money webinar. It brings together my decades of business and numerology insights in a 3.5 hour class and the feedback has been incredible. Use coupon code CHANGEFORGOOD11 for $11 off the package for a limited time (making it $88). Patreon supporters receive $22 off.

2021 is a Universal 5 Year of Freedom, bringing clearing for our throat chakras. As they say, the best way to predict your future is to create it. With capitalism crumbling, now is the best time to upgrade your thinking around money, abundance and receiving.

Sadly, financial and sex education are human rights that many are denied. Dictators restrict our freedoms to preserve external power. Yet egalitarian leaders wants you to reproduce your best ideas, not sell yourself short. They yearn for a world of equals (the 11:11 Age of Aquarius). That’s where I’m coming from.

Why learn from me? I’m a scientist turned spiritual teacher. I went from government, U.N. and charity work (where I co-raised millions of dollars) to psychic readings, after experiencing the 11:11 prompts. I have now helped 4000+ clients and made over $500K. I care passionately about you knowing the secrets to prosperity and Soul-level healing.  

Here’s what we cover in this unique class:

Four specific meditations for money and energy generation:
Dome of Light (individual and property energy clearing)
Meet the Other You (integrate your male/ female selves for huge confidence shifts)
The Golden Rope (delete your fear of being financially powerful)
Table of Blessings (receive incredible love and inspiration from your Soul family)

The profound link between 11:11, sustainability and multiple sources of income
2020’s lessons, incl. how COVID-19 has raised consciousness
What is spiritual money? Why money that comes from your Soul mission ‘sticks’
Money and the sacral chakra. The danger of sitting and waiting for Go(o)d
Why financial education is like sex education
How to recover from financial abuse (which occurs in 99% of domestic violence cases)
How to heal your addiction to instant gratification
Why keeping score leaves you wanting more
The power of working through your wounds
What is a karmic account and how I exactly manifest money and outcomes

And 9 daily ways to increase your material and energetic bank balances:
1) Play with your words and money incl. setting your pricing
2) Nurture your networks incl. proven marketing tips
3) Let go of the need to control
4) Whether-proof your finances (Profit First approach)
5) Study spiritually wealthy people
6) Open your mind to magic incl. heart frequency vs physical energy
7) Stack the odds in your favour
8) Be a hope maker not a hope taker
9) Let yourself travel the world

As well as a: 2021 Forecast preview (the Chinese Year of the Ox, a time for ‘cash cows’). At $99 (was $110), this webinar is an amazing offer – the 3.5 hour video, meditations and 75 page notes contain wisdom worth several times more. I am making this class affordable, because 2020 has been challenging and I want you to experience a FULL recovery in 2021 so we can all lift up the world.

A video preview of what I cover is here (also see below) and you can buy the class now for download

Feedback: “I’m feeling so clear today (48hrs after the class). The money webinar was amazing and really worked. Today I registered a new business name, set up the logo, a temporary website and confirmed my first client on a weekly retainer. First time in nearly 10 years. I also met with two excellent coaches. I’m SO pumped. Thank you. Danielle Neale, Entrepreneur-in-Residence, UNSW Engineering

“I am so very grateful for being a part of (the class) and your generosity in the amount you shared. There were so many parallels with things that have been ‘occurring’ – I already feel big shifts happening around money and have begun the process to register my business name. I am feeling much more confident” Jae T.

“Awesome money class, the whole week has been a turn around after a very drossy couple of months…your facilitating (did that). I’ve worked with a lot of practitioners over the years and you have something different…you seem to be a true healer. Thank you.” Nick, top media consultant

Related Links
Are You Honest with Money? 8 Chakra-Based Tips for Creating Cashflow
8 Benefits of Running Your Own Business (and Life)!

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

Connect with us
Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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