“Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt” – Maya Angelou, a 28/10/1 life path Pioneer

“I do not trust people who don’t love themselves and yet tell me, I love you. There is an African saying which is: ‘Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt.’” Maya Angelou, 28/10/1 life path Pioneer.

At 28, her life path age turning point, Maya was touring with Porgy and Bess, learning new languages and about to make her first music album. Life path 1s are incredible at dealing with discomfort and turning it into personal growth. They can be quite stoical, rarely asking for help, and are often admired for their mental clarity. Find your lifepath

I was reminded of this quote watching SuperSoul sessions: The Anatomy of Trust by Brené Brown, who is a 32/5 life path Rebel.

Brené’s talk on self-trust (which has a 32/5 numerology, the same as power), is helping me make changes this week as I approach being a mum for the 3rd time.

She mentions that people don’t trust others unless they ask for help, and don’t judge others for doing the same. Trust is also about having generous assumptions for what motivates people’s behaviour.

I hope today brings you opportunities to back yourself and let go of the worry. 2021 is coming and it’s a wonderful year for getting back into a positive balance.

Fyi, Change for Good – my spiritual money class replay came out last night after a long labour and dramatic birth. I’m proud of this one. Please, check it out!

#changeforgood#spiritualmoney#mayaangelou#brenebrown #28101 #325 #lifepath1#lifepath5#selftrustispower#numerology#thenumbersqueen#sarahyip

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