Thoughts on Asperger’s Syndrome, Anorexia and Psychic Ability – Part 2 of 2
This post is a follow on from Thoughts on Asperger’s Syndrome, Anorexia and Psychic Ability – Part 1 of 2 A Spiritual Look at Asperger’s Syndrome & Autism Spectrum Disorder
This post is a follow on from Thoughts on Asperger’s Syndrome, Anorexia and Psychic Ability – Part 1 of 2 A Spiritual Look at Asperger’s Syndrome & Autism Spectrum Disorder
Are Asperger’s*, anorexia and psychic ability connected? I think they could be. Here’s what I’ve explored, so far. I dedicate this series of posts to anyone reading, who wishes they
Do you ever feel you’ve outgrown your past? I’ve had a rocky month, which is no surprise given I’m a Master 11 Lifepath (find your lifepath), and the world is
Newsflash! I will be on Channel 7 News in Brisbane tonight (6pm onwards, probably at the end) talking about my eating disorder on World Eating Disorders Day. They may refer to
Oops!! I left a vegan, gluten-free custard pie next to Charlie and this is what happened. He opened the box faster than you could say ‘hey baby’ and scoffed it
Too much pretty food can blind you to your beauty. When you eat all shapes and sizes, you celebrate self-love. Choose fresh over perfect today. Your planet & future self
Omg there is cake! Having fun @veganyumm. VEGAN adds to 22 and CAKE adds to 11, so vegan cake has a Master 33 vibration, the same as Wake Up Call.
Happy International Women’s Day! I want to pay my respects today to Hong Curley (from Imperial Doctor), a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner and friend, who has helped me significantly over the years. I
The future is in your hands, literally. I was reminded of this, while doing palmistry in Brisbane for Chinese New Year 2018 (read my forecast). I was booked for a couple
How do you choose a great healer? What’s the difference between a saleperson who claims to heal, and a genuine therapist? This article is dedicated to Francesca, from Francesca’s Flowers,
This post is dedicated to anyone who’s ever thought they were broken and could never be healed. You are more beautiful, than you will ever know… Watch this post on
June 2020 Update – I’m now being treated for undermethylation. You might also like to see my posts on Aspergers, anorexia and psychic ability June 2018 Update – Give Your
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