Spiritual thoughts on the COVID-19 pandemic
Time to glow up! I rarely write about the pandemic because it’s so polarising and I have a newborn, but I get people messaging me behind the scenes. So here
Time to glow up! I rarely write about the pandemic because it’s so polarising and I have a newborn, but I get people messaging me behind the scenes. So here
What a day. Beautiful walk then received a message claiming (Kris and) I did the ‘worst reading’ someone had ever paid for. I refunded them immediately, even though they did
April 2021 Numerology Forecast. Comment 555 on Facebook or Instagram if you like this post! We are in a 5 Universal year, 9 Universal month. 2021 is about Radical Truth
You can be an empath. You can be a psychopath. Or you can just BE the path. There is always a higher option. 2020 has been a year for building
Coronavirus – Watch me read this poem on Facebook (7min) Is an illness of the collective Aura An effort to crush our cocoons of Hope to collapse our
Watch my Facebook Live on spiritual meaning of Coronavirus to learn how to protect your energy and watch a demo of Julia Chai demonstrating Qigong/ Tai Chi moves, which can
Are you carrying a load that’s too heavy to bear? It’s time to put it down. Alcohol abuse impacts entire families, including children, but there is hope. I want to
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