Support The Numbers Queen 11:11 Sarah Yip on Patreon!

Has my work changed your life? Then please, help me to change my work – life (balance, that is!) Support me on Patreon from USD 5 a month for access to an exclusive FB group, videos and mini-readings

Welcome, fellow See’r! You found us. As The Numbers Queen, I’ve helped millions of people  to discover their lifepath and the reasons they see 11:11 and repeating numbers for free, via and social media. It has been a difficult and rewarding journey ‘flipping’ from a socially accepted fundraising career to life as a full-time reader and educator. 

My life is proof that when you take the leap, the net appears. My Twin Flame Kris and I met on TV after I read his hands. We now have two awake toddlers Forrest and Charlie.

My mission is to transform the public’s perception of psychics and their own intuition from scepticism to trust. I do this through readings, webinars and myth-busting, which move people from the Old Way (capitalism – head over heart) to the 11:11 Way (collective wellness).

The Old Way:⁣ One God/ Boss⁣/ Career/ Marriage for life⁣/ One dimensional success⁣/ One size fits all (not)!⁣

The 11:11 Way:⁣ Many roads to bliss⁣/ (Higher) self-employed⁣/ Soulmates who keep you moving/
Multi dimensional spiral learning⁣/ Every one equal in their diversity⁣

Your monthly pledges will help me to:

-Gather an online community of active supporters who believe numerology can change lives (you get exclusive access to a private Facebook group). You intention and time is as important as your pledge as it creates an energetic safety net I can feel. I am so looking forwards to getting your feedback on what you want to see at and what you want to learn.

-Protect my research and deeper work from plagiarism and trolling. As much as I love Facebook and blogging, I’m continuously finding people copying posts (some of which take hundreds of hours/ up to a year to write) and using them to flog businesses or to create courses (?!) I need to set up a safe space to ensure that my words are not misused to create fear or to manipulate people. Patreon is a cost-effective way for me to start setting boundaries.

-Take time out from readings to create more content(ment) including: world-first numerology shows where I interview people who have overcome extreme odds and bullying, blog posts that challenge spiritual bypassing and tokenism, and live comedy gigs which reframe psychic work as a way for women, sensitives and the voiceless, to disrupt conventional thinking. One reading helps one family, while one of my blogs can reach 20, 000 people a year. 

-Hire a virtual assistant and set up systems to help field the hundreds of inquiries I receive about repeating numbers, spiritual phenomena, ghosts, dreams, palmistry etc. every year. I believe in responding to those in need but physically cannot keep up with the demand. 

If you’re reading this page, you may be familiar with the level of commitment I bring to the numerology industry. Since 2012, I’ve created over 413 detailed blog posts and 2399 Facebook posts while doing an average of one reading a day, all while having kids and recovering from serious health issues. This work is a 24/7 calling for me and I am at a turning point.

Please make a monthly pledge and help me to create a world of 11:11 Oneness, where people come before profits. Note: Pledges are in USD and may attract sales tax. 

My goal is to free at least one person from the fear of the(ir) dark every day and for the children of the future to know they are powerful creators. I am here to prevent the trampling of spiritual knowledge by narcissists and to open people’s minds to their infinitely encouraging inner voice. As Oscar Wilde said, ‘who, being loved, is poor?’

11:11 is a double peace sign from above, letting you know that you are love. Join us now and feel the goosebumps as you become part of an ethical and inclusive spiritual revolution.

Support me on Patreon from USD 5 a month for access to an exclusive FB group, videos and mini-readings

Love, Sarah and the 11:11 Angels 

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

Connect with us
Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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– Share it with your friends. Knowledge is freedom! Please, send them a link to this page rather than copying and pasting.
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