Happy Valentine’s Day! 14/2/2020 is a Universal 11 Day of Spiritual Growth and Partnerships in numerology. Equals Uniting.
May love pour into your life and nourish you like a river today. You are an 11:11 Spiritual Messenger!
Kris Anderson, you are my forest xx
This photo was taken in Springbrook National Park, Queensland.

#happyvalentinesday #2020 #equalsattract #1111 #spiritualmessenger#springbrook#numerology#thenumbersqueen#sarahyip#sarahanderson#brisbane#goldcoast#psychic — at Springbrook National Park.
Recommended Links
Happy 2020! The 11:11 Love is Rising – A Numerology Forecast Preview
I See 11:11, So Where the Heck’s My Twin Flame? 3 Reasons to Relax
Valentine’s Day 2017 Special – If I Can Find Love, So Can You – Three Tips for Turning Your Failures Into Triumphs
Valentine’s Day 2016 – 6 Myths About Soulmates, Busted!
Connect with us
Seeing repeating numbers or at a life turning point? Book a psychic reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years. If you’d prefer a shorter reading, please see Kris Anderson, my amazing husband. We also read together for a unique 360 degree perspective on your life’s journey and way forward.
You can also check out my events, including palmistry and numerology workshops. Not in Brisbane or the Gold Coast? I have webinars too.
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