A true story about the power of numerology to heal families (and Angel code 551)

Did you know? Numerology has the same 55/10/1 vibration as Mother Mary, Angelic Work, Lightning and Integrity. Used wisely, it can bring near-instant understandings, which heighten unconditional love and wholeness in your relationships, permanently.

Here’s a story that shows the power of numerology to heal families.

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A Well-Deserved Bouquet

I had prepared my client’s chart in advance, noting that she was a 26/8 life path Boss – the same as my mother. ‘Hm, she might be a strong character!’ I said to myself as I set up the readings table in my downstairs room.

Back then, we lived in an older brick house in Chermside West, which suited our young family just fine. Although it wasn’t fancy, it was next to the beautiful Raven Street bush reserve and had a special place in our hearts, being the home where we nursed Forrest (named after the view) after birthing him at the local hospital.

I was running late, as usual, and could hear the client arriving outside. I walked out to meet her. She was immaculately dressed and appeared well-to-do. Her first words to me were, ‘you don’t have much money, do you?’ or something to that effect.

I had to take a breath to centre myself and avoid losing my cool. She really was similar to my mum – who is loving but also incredibly direct! I eventually said ‘that’s right, we don’t have a lot of money but we’re ok.’

We sat down and it became obvious that the client was unhappy with one of her children. They simply didn’t meet her expectations. I asked for the young person’s DOB and soon realised why the Universe had brought this client to me.

Her adult child’s DOB was a palindrome of mine.

So I drew out their DOB grid and calculated their purpose. They were a 29/11/2 life path Spiritual Messenger (or as I say, a Spiritual Don’t Shoot The Messenger) with a 7-8-9 line of Spiritual Activity and Intuition. So they were sensitive to energy and needed a natural diet and peaceful outdoors life. Find your life path

On the other side of the page, I drew my DOB grid and life path.

The client asked, ‘why are you writing the same thing twice?’

I said, ‘I’m not. The grid on the left is for your child. The grid on the right is my chart.’

She sat back, shocked. After a moment she questioned ‘But they are a failure and you are not. They have a mental illness at 31, it’s terrible.’

I said, ‘Your child is the same life path as me – we are late bloomers (yes – that’s a pun given that I used flowers as the blog image). I was diagnosed with a mental illness at 31-32 and I recovered from it. Now I am married with children and a business based on helping people transform their lives after tragedy. Don’t underestimate an 11 life path. We have a big mission!’

Then I started crying, as did she. We decided to end the reading and rebook for another day.

I don’t remember exactly what transpired on that second visit, except that the client arrived with a beautiful bouquet (hence the cover photo – this is a photo from my dear friend Francesca Whiting at Francesca’s Flowers – she also did my wedding flowers and is a national award-winning florist based in Paddington, Brisbane.)

I have hundreds of stories like this one. As someone who has had life long challenges with their family accepting them and vice versa, I can tell you for a fact – the numbers don’t lie. They show you your common ground, what each person is here to teach you, and how to best communicate with others to help them reach their potential.

If you’d like to learn more, consider buying the replay of Why You Chose Your Mother – A Family Numerology webinar (recorded August 2021). You can also download previous classes, including Why Your Child Chose You.

I wish you peace and hope. Sometimes, we just need a fresh perspective to find our hearts again. The simplest things can be the most profound.

BTW – one day, when I was thinking about my compatibility with my mother (our life paths add to 55/10/1, the number I mentioned at the start of the post), a car with the licence plate 551 TEN overtook me on the highway!

Another time, I saw 155 and then a meditation CD appeared on the ground in my native language, Cantonese (that was trippy). For the record, 551 is my Spirit Guide call sign and Angel Code, as well as a Fibonacci number and a sign of 11th Dimensional energies.

When I see it in someone’s chart, I always ask if they see 11:11 and repeating numbers or are interested in numerology, and the answer is usually a big YES…!

Related Links
Class – Why You Chose Your Mother (99, was $121) Just released!
Class – Why Your Child Chose You – A Family Numerology Webinar ($66) Explains the various DOB grid lines, like the 7-8-9 one mentioned above.
You Can’t Not Belong – Four Ways to Forgive Your Family (Especially Your Parents) Mother has the same vibration as Flower (34/7)!
7 Discoveries About Babies That Blew My Brain – A Psychic’s Tale
The 5 Love Languages and Words of Affirmation – How to Stay in Love

Beautiful bouquet by Francesca’s Flowers, Brisbane. Francesca is a 37/10/1 life path Pioneer.

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

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Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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