So many of us are having breakthroughs right now. We are finally thinking outside the box/ shell/ mind/ mundane, even as the world appears to be breaking down.
Chicken has a 35/8 numerology, the same as Creator. The chicken definitely came before the egg! And so she should. This image and text is from my 2020 forecast, I thought you’d find it poignant.
Here’s what I said in Jan: The repetition of 2-0-2-0 invites us to double our efforts to cooperate. It also hints that the year will require persistence!
2020 looks like birds hatching from eggs or birds that have just laid eggs (new worlds/ zero point fields).
Some of us are still emerging from shells (self-healing/dark night of the Souls) while others are ready to lead. Is it time to carry out your Soul plans instead of sitting on them?
The new children are instigating a ‘dropout’ effect in their parents.
If our children are our greatest teachers, we need to be their greatest students. Observation requires proximity.
Many can recall past lives/ have died in wars and want peace.
These children know that money can’t buy love.
They are not so much materialistic as maternalistic.
2 energy brings a strong mother connection and slower pace.
Their paradise is a village with ‘one community, many eyes’.
Now do you understand 2020’s lessons? To find out more, see my 2020 forecast. It’s half price ($22) and full of healing insights. I also have a few spots left in my Develop Intuition and Banish Self-Doubt class on 23 Aug.
Related Links
Happy 2020! The 11:11 Love is Rising – A Numerology Forecast Preview
Quote: “2020 offers us a chance to clear our lives of imbalanced relationships and unloving commitments. To marry our intuition and logic. To honour our Heart/ Earth centres (anagram) and to pace ourselves, because if we’re not calmly creating order, we’re calmly creating chaos!”
Why Your Child Chose You – Family Numerology Webinar now online!
This eye-opening, emotionally healing class explains the new children (born 2000-), their psychic abilities, lifepaths, compatibility with you and specific talents, as revealed by their DOB grids. This is an exclusive workshop with insights you won’t find anywhere else. Includes detailed templates to do your own family numerology chart and personal year forecasting.