Messages from Spirit? Goodbye Huss. This week I had the instinct to check a friend’s Facebook account and was shocked to see he died in 2019. Leave a comment on Facebook or Instagram
Doctor Hussain Fakih was a buddy of mine from Uni. We both wrote for the UNSW student newspaper and he had a wonderfully dry wit.
When I had troubles at home, Huss would make sure I was ok. He also taught me how to massage hands, as I used to get a lot of tension in mine.
Inspired, I went on to massage many people. I often wondered why they had different palms, which led to my current career as a palmreader.
Huss was school captain at Canterbury Boys and extremely smart, which was a surprise to me as he was quite humble.
We often laughed at his naughty licence plate and I still recall how he filled his car with coloured lights and VERY loud Arabic music (he loved that I was learning bellydance and would give me music CDs).
Sadly, the police used to pull his car over and hassle him. Their racism always stuck in my mind.
Many years later, I realised Huss was a 29/11 life path Spiritual Messenger, same as me. Here to bring double illumination. Find your life path
Today I discovered that we had/ have 13/4 and 33/6 in our name vibrations, which can denote heart healers who tend to overwork, have counselling gifts and huge compassion…Read more on karmic 13 in numerology (solar plexus chakra extremes)
When I checked my diary entries for the day he died, I noticed that I:
-had 11:11 and 444 syncs
-published my Al-Anon blog post
-fell out out of bed (weird)
-wrote about working less
-cried then had the urge to clean
-did a vision board to manifest a 3rd child (Ziggy, born in 2021)
Also, Forrest broke my antique black swan from the 1930s.
Wow. I believe that when someone we care for dies, they always send light and healing to all those who knew their Soul.
I wish you peace Huss. Thank you for changing my life for the better.
*Amazingly, I discovered Huss had died just after I saw a doctor about an old ankle injury. Huss was an orthopaedic surgeon.
Also, when I was debating whether to post this, I saw a quote in his bio that ‘the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.’
Taking that as a yes.
Eek! 911 as I finished this post. Global healer code xx
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