Clear Your Mind – My Top 5 Songs for Sound Healing

As a professional psychic reader, it’s part of my job description to be silent inside so that intuitive information can come through unaltered. 
That’s why I clear my mind before and after every reading to ensure that each person receives ‘only’ their messages, not my shopping list and certainly not a prior client’s life history. Otherwise things could get very confusing, very fast. 

Sound hard? It is. It’s taken me years to learn how to ‘switch states’ but doing readings is a great excuse to keep my brain in shape. 
I want to be one of those grandmothers who beats their grandkids at crosswords, and I’m sure that all this psychic work is helping me to reach this goal…
I’ve always found music one of the fastest ways to clear my mind of chatter (especially when it falls into complaining or blaming, which for me is the equivalent of death metal music).So here are my current top five songs (and musicians) for ‘sound-flushing’ your mind. Any music that lifts your mood will do, I’ve just sharing my favourites because it might give you an ideas of what styles can work…

I love repetition in music (I’m a chanter at heart) and frequently listen to songs 30 times in a row until I feel an effect. You may find you get the same results from less repeats. Experiment and see!  
This songs makes me feel good to be alive. I love that the people in this video are from all walks of life. No surprise that Pharrell is a 29/11 Lifepath in numerology, i.e. a Spiritual Messenger here to bring light – read more about 11 energy on my 11:11 on Clocks page. 
This song calls in Medicine Buddha to remove illness. I have met Deva Premal a number of times and am always struck by her happiness. I started sweating the first time I saw her walk on stage, because she exudes so much healing energy. Her Gayatri Mantra is very powerful. I play it to help me sleep during difficult times. 
Tom Kenyon’s music e.g. Ocean of Calm
Tom’s music Infinite Pool helps me access bliss, I just spontaneously start humming and singing when I hear his music. My consciousness goes to another dimension straightaway and I come back feeling like I’ve been on an underwater holiday. Thanks to my friendMegan Williams (a wonderful metaphysics teacher) for the tip. 
Snatam Kaur – Servant of Peace
Contains the very beautiful Prayer of Saint Francis. I particularly love these lines: 
“O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; 
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love; 
for it is in giving that we receive, 
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born into Eternal Life.”

Elvina Munir – 13 Tones of Creation
Elvina is the first person who got me into sound healing, I use her CD 13 Tones of Creation to bring me back into a state of total peace. She makes all her chimes by hand!
Let me know your favourite songs to clear your mind…please note that all comments are sent for approval before they appear below this post. Thanks for your patience.
Sarah Yip
Professional Psychic
0408 898 028 (SMS preferred) 

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