Finally! I got my beloved smoothie from the Organic Gold Coast Farmers Markets after 8 weeks. I have ‘date with a nut’ every visit – great name huh? I was willing myself to get better from mastitis just so I could have my fix (a blog on the spiritual meaning of mastitis, aka recovering from ‘a painful letdown’, is coming soon)
Smoothie has a 41/5 vibration in numerology, same as Yin-Yang. Great way to get nutrition in, especially for our fussy eater Forrest. I try to balance our smoothie intake with slow-cooked foods otherwise they can create a ‘rushed’ energy internally due to all the whizzing in their creation.
5 energy heals or harms the 5th chakra (throat) – what you eat/ drink / absorb physically and energetically affects your ability to speak up, as it takes power to overcome group think. If you don’t have enough positive input you’ll just keep going in circles (circle also has a 5 energy).
Btw, I also prefer room temperature drinks as we believe in Chinese medicine that it’s important to stay warm, especially after childbirth, to rebuild health and energy.
P.s. how funny is Charlie’s expression? You’d think the veggies were an alien organism…he’ll be a great actor one day
P.p.s It was Ziggy’s first trip to the markets, he was a hit with the ladies haha
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