Yowch! We’re smack in the middle of a massive 11:11 Aquarian Stellium/ energy influx with a new moon 11 or 12 February, depending on location. You could be feeling triggered, sore and sad, yet also ready to meet your future self in all their glory.
Let out your tears and fears. Yes, every beginning is a death. So acknowledge your success at getting to this moment.
Light a candle and say goodbye to the pain you’ve been carrying for years, if not lifetimes. And please, tune in and get educated on what’s coming up! Because the next step is always illuminated.
The image below sums up the core of what’s going on globally, and why I do what I do. My classes (including Change for Good – A Spiritual Money webinar for 11:11 Seer’s and Crystal Healing for 11:11 Starseeds), can help you to shift from head over heart, one- way thinking, to Soul-centred, roundtable collaboration. From self-doubt to trust.
What’s the difference?
The Old Way tells you what to do. It writes prescriptions. It makes you a statistic. It ignores your complaints and says you should be grateful to be here at all.
The 11:11 Way invites you to explore. It offers recipes, to be tweaked and played with. It sees you as a complete being.
The Old Way is self-obsessed. Only talks about itself. Makes itself your God. Forces you to ask it permission. To crawl.
The 11:11 Way applauds its colleagues. It sees Spirit in every living and non-living thing. It sees God as the Great Outdoors.
The Old Way divides you into good, bad, high and low vibe, spiritual, non-spiritual, it uses religion, diet, sexuality, whatever it can to categorise and diminish you…
The 11:11 Ways value ecosystems, diversity and flexible choices. It sees labels as interesting but not everything. It allows you to change and grow, to say No if the relationship is no longer healthy…
I hope this post brings you peace. You’re a changemaker, more than you can ever know.
Choose fresh ideas over half-baked ones this next quarter and we’ll all have an extraordinary 2021.
#1111 #aquarianstellium#astrology#ageofaquarius#oldway#1111way#numerology#thenumbersqueen#sarahyip
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