What’s the difference between psychic ability and spiritual maturity? What are the 4 types of psychics?

Psychic ability is the skill of reading numbers, astrology, palms, faces, Tarot, tea leaves etc., to analyse someone’s personality and potential future. It can be taught or brought through from past lives or family lineage. It differs to intuition – your ability to read and trust yourself (see my Develop Your Intuition webinar). This post was inspired by the writings of author Dawn Hill.

Spiritual maturity is how consciously you live. It cannot be taught, only modelled. It’s your character and develops through experience. You increase it by following your values. A mature person acts from love, outlines pros and cons rather than telling people what to do, and has a conscience. They don’t misuse their abilities as they know karma is real.

A immature person acts from fear, controls others through black-and-white beliefs (e.g. you’re good or evil/ I am the only one who can save you), is defensive and bends the rules. They look confident, but show their claws under pressure.

So here are the 4 types of psychics you’ll meet:

1) High psychic ability + high spiritual maturity – the ideal reader – someone you can trust, who encourages you to think for yourself. Their skills are backed up with experience and they deliver ‘clean’ readings that inspire you.

2) Low psychic ability + high spiritual maturity – not confident with predictions about you or the future (yet), but could be a fantastic counsellor, guide or coach. These people can transition into 1) with mentoring (see my Patreon).

3) High psychic ability + low spiritual maturity – wow you with details (like the colour of your lover’s hair), but tell you nothing new. They over-sympathise, push you to return, or sell you things you don’t need e.g. like the reader who said I had to give her $15 K to heal my mother. I read her palms instead, and saw she was a liar.

4) Low psychic ability + low spiritual maturity – you can spot these shonks a mile away. This doesn’t make them bad – perhaps they are sick and need help!

Hope you liked this post.


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