Weekly Tarot and 11:11 Numerology Forecast for 21 Jan (The Power of Weird)

Your weekly forecast from Sarah Yip and Kris Anderson is now up (42min)! Watch it now on FacebookYouTube (see below) or Instagram.

We discuss: 2021’s throat chakra healing powers, deja vu and the fall of Atlantis, the power of weird, how sterile people sterilise people, the gift of passion, link between sexual, financial and spiritual suppression, the benefits of running late and much more.

Plus a bonus peek at the Year of the Yin Metal Ox (from my 2021 forecast webinar) – how this links to 1961’s political revolutions (JFK, The Berlin Wall, Vietnam War, space race, the Pill going on sale in Australia etc.)

Please note: The competition to win one of two copies of our 2021 Forecast webinar has ended! Our baby’s current weight is 2.3kg. Congrats to all who guessed this during the Facebook Live. Thanks for your support!

We are back from 6.15pm AEST Thurs 28 Jan with more insights and Q&A at Facebook: The Numbers Queen Special guest Kate Denning from The Spiritual Realm in Brisbane

Want to know more?
Book a reading with Kris for January 2021

Buy Your 2021 Numerology Forecast Use code 1111TRUTH for $11 off the $77 package until Chinese New Year (12 Feb)

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Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

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Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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