My weekly Tarot & 11:11 numerology forecast is up (28min)! Watch it now on Facebook (I reply to all comments), or YouTube.
December is about a steep learning curve with pleasure at the end of the month. It’s time to think 7 generations ahead.
What we covered tonight:
4:10 How decluttering & forgiveness instantly shift your attitude and money
5:30 My business coach Ellie Burscough and the link between financial freedom and spiritual freedom. There’s no point having personal choice if everyone around you is still spellbound and unconscious.
BTW, my Change for Good – A Spiritual Money webinar is up! Video package is $88 until 31 Dec (if you use Coupon CHANGEFORGOOD11). Patreon supporters can buy it for $77.
7:55 Stand up comedy with Fiona McGary – how the 7th sense is humour, also see our interview. I also recommend comedy webinars with Tim Ferguson. Stay tuned for the replay of my latest standup comedy gig!
9:00 The difference between creating a garden vs monoculture with our financial and daily choices. Are you rewarding creativity or cut-throats? Buy from makers and creators this Christmas if you can!
11:30 Weekly Tarot Forecast: Queen of Swords (recovering from tragedy by changing your words), 9 of Cups (ditch the waiting/ Cinderella complex and write your own fairy tale) and The Devil (a judgement people make when you have ‘lived’ differently – note the anagram!) I also discuss how acting helps highly sensitive people.
22:25 Q&A Money and my favourite Tarot card, The Star (11:11 Starseed discussion)
TIP: My 2021 Forecast webinar is coming 3 Jan (bookings open soon)
Recommended Links
December 2020 Numerology Forecast
Join my Patreon for mentoring, a private FB group, discounts and early access to 2021 readings and events
I’m back from 6pm AEST Wednesdays with more insights and Q&A at Facebook: The Numbers Queen
Browse all my previous forecasts (weekly video and monthly)
Thanks for all your support. 11:11 Peace Signs Always!