Patreon Call Replay up – Spirit Guides, Earthbound Spirit Clearing, Master Number Myths & More!

What an amazing call with my Patreon supporters today! Over 2 hours, I answered these hot topics and questions:

When will COVID-19 end?

What will happen to lifepath 4’s in September 2020, a Universal 4 Month and 4 Year? Why it’s the start of a spiritual Grand Prix

How do you connect with Spirit Guides? Can they leave? Can you get rid of lazy ones?! Why it’s like your Facebook friends list, you have more control that you realise.

How do you clear an Earthbound Soul from your house?
Why it’s like helping a lost child or moving on a tenant.

What happens if most of my family are 33s and 11s?!

I also channelled 2 deep meditations – Rainbow of Circles (chakra healing) and You are a Lighthouse (11:11 frequency) Very powerful protective and energy-raising tracks.

The full replay is now up at

Best time to join us is the first week of each month, as your $5-11 payment (USD) is deducted as soon as you sign up.

The discounts and calls included are worth many times what you pay, plus you will meet your tribe and be part of our exclusive Facebook group with access to me and lots of other 11:11 See’rs.

Would love to see you there. This is the most affordable way to support my work and blog 🙂

“I loved today’s session. Topics covered were so interesting esp to clear non-paying lodgers/bean bags. I love, love, love the meditations, the protective rainbow chakras and the lighthouse. In fact, I was listening to a webcast today about light and the lighthouse. Such synchronicity.” Cenly Wong

“Hi Sarah, I just watched the replay and feel compelled to just thank you for being yourself and so real with everyone. I have to laugh every time you make yourself laugh. I appreciate all of your efforts through this group to give us the tools we need in our day to day lives.” Tracy Michelle

Related Links

Lifepaths and Personal Years
Find Your Lifepath
Your Personal Year in Numerology – What Does The Future Hold?

6 Myths About Meditation – Why It’s Easier Than Your Thinking

Guardian Angels
Find Your Guardian Angel Using Numerology – It’s All In Your Date of Birth

Energy & House Clearing + Ghosts
My Psychic Secret Weapon #1- Deniz Akan from Dimensional Healing
Video: House Clearing and Address Numerology With Deniz Akan, Our Favourite Crystal Healer
Why Spirits Can’t Hurt You – 3 Ghost Stories With Happy Endings! (A Post on Mediumship)
Dr Mahdi Mason

Avoiding Frauds
The Five Craziest Things Psychics Have Told Me – Why This Industry is Buyer Beware!
7 Signs of Spiritual Whitewashing – How to Avoid New Age Silliness!

Pop Culture and 11:11
Harry Potter and 11:11 Starseed Numerology
Star Wars Movie Numerology – May The 4th Be With You aka The Master Numbers Strike Back!

A Coronavirus Poem – The Bridges Are Now Open
97.3FM Interview on Coronavirus, Numerology and Spiritual Speedhumps
Spiritual Meaning of Coronavirus & DIY Energy Protection Tips

Further Learning

2020 Energy Update Webinar coming up 27 Sept:

Why Your Child Chose You – A Family Numerology Webinar ($66)
Save $11 by using discount code MY1111FAMILY

*NEW* Develop Your Intuition and Banish Self-Doubt Webinar ($99)
Save $33 by using discount code ITRUSTMYSELF

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

Connect with us
Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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– Share it with your friends. Knowledge is freedom! Please, send them a link to this page rather than copying and pasting.
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