Numerology for Mark Zuckerberg – a 32/5 life path Rebel with a Karmic 16 name

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born 14/5/1984, making him a a 32/5 life path Rebel. 2021 is a Universal 5 Year, which means all 5’s are in the spotlight.

Mark is in a Personal 5 Year until May, compounding pressure on him to master his purpose of embracing other viewpoints, telling the whole truth and healing his throat chakra (inner and outer voice).

His 97/16/7 Destiny name has a Karmic 16, meaning he can be too intellectual and needs to open his third eye to spiritual principles and the big picture (community spirit and sustainability).

He also has a 34/7 Soul Urge. Feb 2021 is a 7 Universal Month, so it was always going to bring tests in many areas for him. Mark can either leap with faith or jump to painful conclusions…

Background to this post:

Like many ppl, I woke up to find Facebook had blocked all news today. I was like, ‘what a Mercury retrograde mess, they’ll have to backtrack on this before long’. Sure enough, it quickly became obvious Facebook had blocked government and small business sites as well.

Facebook has a 31/4 numerology, the same as Father and Science. It affects our 4th or heart chakra the most – sense of home, unconditional love and immortality. No wonder it’s so hard to quit. You need a lot of self-love to say no to its spell.

I’ll be taking a 2 week break from social media once Ziggy arrives in the next week or two. I encourage you to do the same.

Remind yourself there’s more to life than liking other people…fall in love with yourself and your dreams again.

This is a good year for the weird, the voiceless and the alternative healers to rise en masse and create a thought revolution.

11:11 means every one is pure potential.

Related Links
Your 2021 Numerology Forecast webinar ($66, was $77)
Find your life path This page includes the letter-number system I use to analyse names and words above. Also see this name numerology class.
Life path 5 – The Rebel and Find your personal year
Karmic Debt Numbers 13, 14, 16 and 19 – The Kind Truth!
Weekly Tarot and 11:11 Forecast – Special Guest Caroline Byrd (Soulbyrds) This video is all about 32/5 life paths, the throat chakra and more. Recorded the same day I wrote this profile of Mark Zuckerberg.
Famous people readings

#markzuckerberg#lifepath5 #1111 #allhailtheweirdos#throatchakra#numerology#thenumbersqueen#sarahyip

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