Numerology for Helen Mirren, a 34/7 Life Path Spiritual Teacher (who hates idiots!)

7s hate idiots! Happy birthday x 777 Helen Mirren. Born 26 July 1945, Helen is a 34/7 life path aka the Spiritual Teacher (and Warrior Queen, in my books). Find your life path

7 looks like a cliff you jump from. These Souls learn through leaps of faith and courageous action

Helen is an expressive 34/7 like Taylor Swift and Sia. Her husband Taylor is a shyer 25/7 life path, as was was Bob Hoskins, with whom she made her film breakthrough at her life path turning point age of 34. 7s attract 7s!

7s experience sudden rises and falls. This is a number of Kings, Queens and Angels. Crown chakra healing. Sovereignty. Self respect. Dedication to higher causes and educating people to protect their headspaces.

7s can feel lonely at the top. I work with many 7s to help them refine their intuitive gifts and leadership styles. Gone are the days when one person rules all, 11:11 awakening is about ‘equal sharing of power’.

Helen has had a stellar 60 year career and often plays royalty e.g. Queen Elizabeth II, also a 25/7 (hint, Diana was the same life path, there are no accidents. The Royals use psychics.) See my Royal Family numerology posts – I predicted Harry would leave the family 9 days before he did!

I love Helen’s quotes (7s have sharp wits):

Women have got to stop being polite. If I ever had children, which I don’t, the first thing I’d teach a girl of mine is the words “fuck off”.

Your 40s are good. Your 50s are great. Your 60s are fab. And 70 is fucking awesome.

For any kind of artist, your whole life is a struggle to be free in your artform. I know now that you never get there. But you do get as close as you can.

Most of all…

When women are given respect and the ability to pursue their personal dreams and ambitions – life improves for everyone.

Thank you Helen. Even your name means light.

P.s. August 2024 is the shift month for 7s!! Watch and read your forecast

P.p.s I’m teaching on 7 life paths numerology on 17 August 2024. Join us from $11 A replay and notes will go up afterwards.

I also have many blogs and videos about 7 life paths


Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

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