The past fortnight since Ziggy’s birth has been tough. A dark night of the Soul for me in terms of physical strain. What has gotten me through it so far is Kris, our boys, our incredible love for Ziggy plus a huge team of devoted family, friends and helpers some of whom are pictured here.
I’ve also been loving the mantra music of @devapremalmiten and healings from @mindsease, @dimensionalhealing, @pulseacupuncturepaddington
@soulbyrds and @aleesartspace etc. Also massage by Shelli Mac
Plus postnatal support and food from Kate Porter @sacredbirthkeeper
It takes a constellation to raise a Star child, that’s for sure. More on 11:11 Starseeds
Thank you everyone. Once I’m recovered, I’ll get some blogs out on Ziggy’s birth story (it was Hollywood dramatic meets Monty Python funny) plus the spiritual meaning of mastitis (aka, how to release a painful letdown – pun intended!).
Related Links
Ziggy Lionheart is 3.33kg!
My Birth Mentor Suzanne Swan from Yogababy Brisbane