Happy Mother’s Day! May you have a peaceful, yummy day with your loved ones. It can be a date that brings mixed feelings for many. Kindness to you too.
Fast facts: an average mother (or stay at home parent’s) contribution to a household is $113K a year (USD), for working around 94 hours a week. That’s not including their pricelessness as wisdom keepers of the family tree.
Yet only 7% of mums thought their housework deserved a six-figure salary (2013 survey, link is below.) Ask your mum what she thinks her efforts are worth. The answers may be a great icebreaker for deeper healing…
Until we value inner work (raising kids, house keeping, spiritual and emotional labour, holding space) as much as outer work (raising capital, house building, mental and physical labour, claiming space), the economy will continue to be lop-sided and unsustainable.
We set our sights on getting Father Sky’s approval but think of Mother Earth so rarely, perhaps only when she blows up or floods. Same thing happens with pleasing our inner critic/ ego vs nurturing our body.
What if you awoke each morning, went outside and thanked your Soul, planet, family, body and brain for birthing you into a new day?
Then kissed yourself and did a happy dance*? You might find it a lot easier to enjoy the journey.
We aren’t competitors in the human race, so much as partners in the dance of life.
*MOTHER has a 34/7 numerology, the same as Dancing, Flower, Reiki, Purple, Church and Domestic (so domestic violence has the same vibration as mother violence…and domestic bliss has the same vibration as mother bliss).
Food for thought.
Listen to Kiss the Earth by Ajeet Kaur for beautiful energy today (my first like on the Instagram post said her mum painted Kiss the Earth on their mailbox!) The book Holding Space by Heather Plett is also incredible.
P.s. Thanks to my mum for everything!!
And to Kris Anderson for the best breakfast and cutest kids! You are a wonderful husband and Papa Bear.
P.p.s Ziggy likes flowers more than bacon. Just like his Dad.
11:11 Double Peace Signs to you all xx
Source of statistics: Stay-At-Home mums Are Completely Underestimating Their Market Value
Related Links
Change for Good – A Spiritual Money Webinar for 11:11 See’rs
Happy Birthday Mum! My 26/8 Lifepath Spiritual Boss and Teacher
You Can’t Not Belong – Four Ways to Forgive Your Family (Especially Your Parents)